更新时间:2021-06-11 18:38:06
1. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Learning Paradigms
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning Frameworks
Applications of Reinforcement Learning
2. Markov Decision Processes and Bellman Equations
Markov Processes
3. Deep Learning in Practice with TensorFlow 2
An Introduction to TensorFlow and Keras
How to Implement a Neural Network Using TensorFlow
Simple Regression Using TensorFlow
Simple Classification Using TensorFlow
TensorBoard – How to Visualize Data Using TensorBoard
4. Getting Started with OpenAI and TensorFlow for Reinforcement Learning
OpenAI Gym
OpenAI Universe – Complex Environment
TensorFlow for Reinforcement Learning
OpenAI Baselines
Training an RL Agent to Solve a Classic Control Problem
5. Dynamic Programming
Solving Dynamic Programming Problems
Identifying Dynamic Programming Problems
Dynamic Programming in RL
6. Monte Carlo Methods
The Workings of Monte Carlo Methods
Understanding Monte Carlo with Blackjack
Types of Monte Carlo Methods
Exploration versus Exploitation Trade-Off
Importance Sampling
Solving Frozen Lake Using Monte Carlo
7. Temporal Difference Learning
Introduction to TD Learning
TD(0) – SARSA and Q-Learning
N-Step TD and TD(λ) Algorithms
The Relationship between DP Monte-Carlo and TD Learning
8. The Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
Formulation of the MAB Problem
The Python Interface
The Greedy Algorithm
The Explore-then-Commit Algorithm
The ε-Greedy Algorithm
The UCB algorithm
Thompson Sampling
Contextual Bandits
9. What Is Deep Q-Learning?
Basics of Deep Learning
Basics of PyTorch
The Action-Value Function (Q Value Function)
Deep Q Learning
Challenges in DQN
10. Playing an Atari Game with Deep Recurrent Q-Networks
Understanding the Breakout Environment
CNNs in TensorFlow
Combining a DQN with a CNN
RNNs in TensorFlow
Building a DRQN
Introduction to the Attention Mechanism and DARQN
11. Policy-Based Methods for Reinforcement Learning
Policy Gradients
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients
Improving Policy Gradients
12. Evolutionary Strategies for RL
Problems with Gradient-Based Methods
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
4. Getting started with OpenAI and TensorFlow for Reinforcement Learning