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Advanced Introduction to Concurrent and Parallel Programming
Technical requirements
What is concurrency?
Concurrent versus sequential
Example 1 – checking whether a non-negative number is prime
Concurrent versus parallel
A quick metaphor
Not everything should be made concurrent
Embarrassingly parallel
Inherently sequential
Example 2 – inherently sequential tasks
I/O bound
The history present and future of concurrency
The history of concurrency
The present
The future
A brief overview of mastering concurrency in Python
Why Python?
Setting up your Python environment
General setup
Downloading example code
Further reading
Amdahl's Law
Formula and interpretation
The formula for Amdahl's Law
A quick example
Amdahl's Law's relationship to the law of diminishing returns
How to simulate in Python
Practical applications of Amdahl's Law
Working with Threads in Python
The concept of a thread
Threads versus processes
An example in Python
An overview of the threading module
The thread module in Python 2
The threading module in Python 3
Creating a new thread in Python
Starting a thread with the thread module
Starting a thread with the threading module
Synchronizing threads
The concept of thread synchronization
The threading.Lock class
Multithreaded priority queue
A connection between real-life and programmatic queues
The queue module
Queuing in concurrent programming
Using the with Statement in Threads
Context management
Starting from managing files
The with statement as a context manager
The syntax of the with statement
The with statement in concurrent programming
Example of deadlock handling
Concurrent Web Requests
The basics of web requests
HTTP requests
HTTP status code
The requests module