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Mastering Data Analysis with R
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Chapter 1. Hello Data!
Loading text files of a reasonable size
Benchmarking text file parsers
Loading a subset of text files
Loading data from databases
Importing data from other statistical systems
Loading Excel spreadsheets
Chapter 2. Getting Data from the Web
Loading datasets from the Internet
Other popular online data formats
Reading data from HTML tables
Scraping data from other online sources
R packages to interact with data source APIs
Chapter 3. Filtering and Summarizing Data
Drop needless data
Running benchmarks
Summary functions
Chapter 4. Restructuring Data
Transposing matrices
Filtering data by string matching
Rearranging data
dplyr versus data.table
Computing new variables
Merging datasets
Reshaping data in a flexible way
The evolution of the reshape packages
Chapter 5. Building Models (authored by Renata Nemeth and Gergely Toth)
The motivation behind multivariate models
Linear regression with continuous predictors
Model assumptions
How well does the line fit in the data?
Discrete predictors
Chapter 6. Beyond the Linear Trend Line (authored by Renata Nemeth and Gergely Toth)
The modeling workflow
Logistic regression
Models for count data
Chapter 7. Unstructured Data
Importing the corpus
Cleaning the corpus
Visualizing the most frequent words in the corpus
Further cleanup
Analyzing the associations among terms
Some other metrics
The segmentation of documents
Chapter 8. Polishing Data
The types and origins of missing data
Identifying missing data
By-passing missing values
Getting rid of missing data
Filtering missing data before or during the actual analysis
Data imputation
Extreme values and outliers
Using robust methods
Chapter 9. From Big to Small Data
Adequacy tests
Principal Component Analysis
Factor analysis
Principal Component Analysis versus Factor Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
Chapter 10. Classification and Clustering
Cluster analysis
Latent class models
Discriminant analysis
Machine learning algorithms
Chapter 11. Social Network Analysis of the R Ecosystem
Loading network data
Centrality measures of networks
Visualizing network data
Further network analysis resources
Chapter 12. Analyzing Time-series
Creating time-series objects
Visualizing time-series
Seasonal decomposition