第1章 序言
很多英语学习者之所以坚持不下去,主要是觉得英语学习枯燥、乏味。《72小时英语口语》的资深作者们当然会考虑这一点。因此,我们精挑细选了有趣的漫画、可乐的笑话、英语俚语、英语名人名言、英语绕口令、趣图等等,让你轻轻松松快快乐乐学习英语。除此之外,在每个话题后面,我们还为大家精心准备了丰富的异域文化大餐、经典流行的英文歌曲、震撼人心的中外演讲以及电影英文对白,让你通过多种方式学习英文,炫出你的English Potential(英语潜能)。
Do you still have no idea about what to say in doing business?Are you still bothered by miscommunication in international trade?Have you still missed foreign business orders because of language barrier?This book provides you with a variety of real scenes in business activities,to give you an idea of English communication in real business circumstances.It will help you develop your own sense of English and improve your language ability,so as to become a bridge in business communication.
The book aims to help the readers improve their ability of speaking English.The whole book includes a total of 9 themes and 34 scenes.Each scene forms a unit of its own and each unit consists of six sections,namely,Words,Useful Expressions,Dialogues,Language Tips,Additional Reading and Time for Fun.In Words,there are all of the most commonly used words and terms concerning the topic.Useful Expressions provides the practical expressions of spoken language in the scene.Dialogues give samples of the real scene in business trade.Language Tips explains important and difficult language points in the dialogue.Additional Reading means to help you enrich your knowledge of English culture and improve your business skills.And Time for Fun is made up of a variety of original English jokes,from which you can experience English humor,and harvest a happy and relaxed mood at the same time of learning.
Language learning is a gradual process.It requires us not only to memorize the meaning of the words and to understand the usage of the sentence patterns,but also to use it naturally in all kinds of daily situations to achieve its function of communication.The best way to do this is to know these situations as early as possible and to have an idea of how native speakers use the language,and then to imitate their way of using the language when you use it and to improve your own ability of speaking without even noticing it.
By studying the scenes,let us bear the words in mind,learn to use English correctly and improve our ability to speak English and to do business.