Captain Jim was buried in the little over-harbor graveyard, very near to the spot where the wee white lady slept. His relatives put up a very expensive, very ugly "monument"--a monument at which he would have poked sly fun had he seen it in life. But his real monument was in the hearts of those who knew him, and in the book that was to live for generations.
Leslie mourned that Captain Jim had not lived to see the amazing success of it.
"How he would have delighted in the reviews--they are almost all so kindly. And to have seen his life-book heading the lists of the best sellers--oh, if he could just have lived to see it, Anne!"But Anne, despite her grief, was wiser.
"It was the book itself he cared for, Leslie--not what might be said of it--and he had it. He had read it all through. That last night must have been one of the greatest happiness for him--with the quick, painless ending he had hoped for in the morning. I am glad for Owen's sake and yours that the book is such a success--but Captain Jim was satisfied--I KNOW."The lighthouse star still kept a nightly vigil; a substitute keeper had been sent to the Point, until such time as an all-wise government could decide which of many applicants was best fitted for the place--or had the strongest pull. The First Mate was at home in the little house, beloved by Anne and Gilbert and Leslie, and tolerated by a Susan who had small liking for cats.
"I can put up with him for the sake of Captain Jim, Mrs. Doctor, dear, for I liked the old man. And I will see that he gets bite and sup, and every mouse the traps account for. But do not ask me to do more than that, Mrs. Doctor, dear. Cats is cats, and take my word for it, they will never be anything else. And at least, Mrs. Doctor, dear, do keep him away from the blessed wee man. Picture to yourself how awful it would be if he was to suck the darling's breath.""That might be fitly called a CAT-astrophe," said Gilbert.
"Oh, you may laugh, doctor, dear, but it would be no laughing matter.""Cats never suck babies' breaths," said Gilbert.
"That is only an old superstition, Susan.""Oh, well, it may be a superstition or it may not, doctor, dear. All that I know is, it has happened. My sister's husband's nephew's wife's cat sucked their baby's breath, and the poor innocent was all but gone when they found it. And superstition or not, if I find that yellow beast lurking near our baby I will whack him with the poker, Mrs. Doctor, dear."Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Elliott were living comfortably and harmoniously in the green house. Leslie was busy with sewing, for she and Owen were to be married at Christmas. Anne wondered what she would do when Leslie was gone.
"Changes come all the time. Just as soon as things get really nice they change," she said with a sigh.
"The old Morgan place up at the Glen is for sale,"said Gilbert, apropos of nothing in especial.
"Is it?" asked Anne indifferently.
"Yes. Now that Mr. Morgan has gone, Mrs. Morgan wants to go to live with her children in Vancouver. She will sell cheaply, for a big place like that in a small village like the Glen will not be very easy to dispose of.""Well, it's certainly a beautiful place, so it is likely she will find a purchaser," said Anne, absently, wondering whether she should hemstitch or feather-stitch little Jem's "short" dresses. He was to be shortened the next week, and Anne felt ready to cry at the thought of it.
"Suppose we buy it, Anne?" remarked Gilbert quietly.
Anne dropped her sewing and stared at him.
"You're not in earnest, Gilbert?"
"Indeed I am, dear."
"And leave this darling spot--our house of dreams?"said Anne incredulously. "Oh, Gilbert, it's--it's unthinkable!""Listen patiently to me, dear. I know just how you feel about it. I feel the same. But we've always known we would have to move some day.""Oh, but not so soon, Gilbert--not just yet.""We may never get such a chance again. If we don't buy the Morgan place someone else will--and there is no other house in the Glen we would care to have, and no other really good site on which to build. This little house is--well, it is and has been what no other house can ever be to us, I admit, but you know it is out-of-the-way down here for a doctor. We have felt the inconvenience, though we've made the best of it.
And it's a tight fit for us now. Perhaps, in a few years, when Jem wants a room of his own, it will be entirely too small.""Oh, I know--I know," said Anne, tears filling her eyes. "I know all that can be said against it, but Ilove it so--and it's so beautiful here."
"You would find it very lonely here after Leslie goes--and Captain Jim has gone too. The Morgan place is beautiful, and in time we would love it. You know you have always admired it, Anne.""Oh, yes, but--but--this has all seemed to come up so suddenly, Gilbert. I'm dizzy. Ten minutes ago I had no thought of leaving this dear spot. I was planning what I meant to do for it in the spring-- what I meant to do in the garden. And if we leave this place who will get it? It IS out-of-the-way, so it's likely some poor, shiftless, wandering family will rent it--and over-run it--and oh, that would be desecration. It would hurt me horribly.""I know. But we cannot sacrifice our own interests to such considerations, Anne-girl. The Morgan place will suit us in every essential particular--we really can't afford to miss such a chance. Think of that big lawn with those magnificent old trees; and of that splendid hardwood grove behind it--twelve acres of it. What a play place for our children! There's a fine orchard, too, and you've always admired that high brick wall around the garden with the door in it--you've thought it was so like a story-book garden. And there is almost as fine a view of the harbor and the dunes from the Morgan place as from here.""You can't see the lighthouse star from it.""Yes, You can see it from the attic window. THERE'Sanother advantage, Anne-girl--you love big garrets.""There's no brook in the garden."