第83章 The Bird of Truth(4)
Once outside, he ran without stopping to the witch's tower, and handed to the old woman the jar she had given him.
'Become a parrot!' cried she, flinging the water over him.But instead of losing his shape, as so many had done before, he only grew ten times handsomer; for the water was enchanted for good and not ill.Then the creeping multitude around the witch hastened to roll themselves in the water, and stood up, human beings again.
When the witch saw what was happening, she took a broomstick and flew away.
Who can guess the delight of the sister at the sight of her brother, bearing the Bird of Truth? But although the boy had accomplished much, something very difficult yet remained, and that was how to carry the Bird of Truth to the king without her being seized by the wicked courtiers, who would be ruined by the discovery of their plot.
Soon--no one knew how--the news spread abroad that the Bird of Truth was hovering round the palace, and the courtiers made all sorts of preparations to hinder her reaching the king.
They got ready weapons that were sharpened, and weapons that were poisoned; they sent for eagles and falcons to hunt her down, and constructed cages and boxes in which to shut her up if they were not able to kill her.They declared that her white plumage was really put on to hide her black feathers--in fact there was nothing they did not do in order to prevent the king from seeing the bird or from paying attention to her words if he did.
As often happens in these cases, the courtiers brought about that which they feared.They talked so much about the Bird of Truth that at last the king heard of it, and expressed a wish to see her.The more difficulties that were put in his way the stronger grew his desire, and in the end the king published a proclamation that whoever found the Bird of Truth should bring her to him without delay.
As soon as he saw this proclamation the boy called his sister, and they hastened to the palace.The bird was buttoned inside his tunic, but, as might have been expected, the courtiers barred the way, and told the child that he could not enter.It was in vain that the boy declared that he was only obeying the king's commands; the courtiers only replied that his majesty was not yet out of bed, and it was forbidden to wake him.
They were still talking, when, suddenly, the bird settled the question by flying upwards through an open window into the king's own room.
Alighting on the pillow, close to the king's head, she bowed respectfully, and said:
'My lord, I am the Bird of Truth whom you wished to see, and I have been obliged to approach you in the manner because the boy who brought me is kept out of the palace by your courtiers.'
'They shall pay for their insolence,' said the king.And he instantly ordered one of his attendants to conduct the boy at once to his apartments; and in a moment more the prince entered, holding his sister by the hand.
'Who are you?' asked the king; 'and what has the Bird of Truth to do with you?'
'If it please your majesty, the Bird of Truth will explain that herself,' answered the boy.
And the bird did explain; and the king heard for the first time of the wicked plot that had been successful for so many years.He took his children in his arms, with tears in his eyes, and hurried off with them to the tower in the mountains where the queen was shut up.The poor woman was as white as marble, for she had been living almost in darkness; but when she saw her husband and children, the colour came back to her face, and she was as beautiful as ever.
They all returned in state to the city, where great rejoicings were held.The wicked courtiers had their heads cut off, and all their property was taken away.As for the good old couple, they were given riches and honour, and were loved and cherished to the end of their lives.
[From Cuentos, Oraciones y Adivinas, por Fernan Caballero.]