No man was more ready to make an apology when he had censured unjustly,than Johnson.When a proof-sheet of one of his works was brought to him,he found fault with the mode in which a part of it was arranged,refused to read it,and in a passion desired that the compositor might be sent to him.The compositor was Mr.Manning,a decent sensible man,who had composed about one half of his Dictionary,when in Mr.Strahan's printing-house;and a great part of his Lives of the Poets,when in that of Mr.Nichols;and who (in his seventy-seventh year),when in Mr.Baldwin's printing-house,composed a part of the first edition of this work concerning him.
By producing the manu,he at once satisfied Dr.Johnson that he was not to blame.Upon which Johnson candidly and earnestly said to him,'Mr.Compositor,I ask your pardon.Mr.Compositor,Iask your pardon,again and again.'
His generous humanity to the miserable was almost beyond example.
The following instance is well attested:--Coming home late one night,he found a poor woman lying in the street,so much exhausted that she could not walk;he took her upon his back,and carried her to his house,where he discovered that she was one of those wretched females who had fallen into the lowest state of vice,poverty,and disease.Instead of harshly upbraiding her,he had her taken care of with all tenderness for a long time,at considerable expence,till she was restored to health,and endeavoured to put her into a virtuous way of living.
He once in his life was known to have uttered what is called a BULL:Sir Joshua Reynolds,when they were riding together in Devonshire,complained that he had a very bad horse,for that even when going down hill he moved slowly step by step.'Ay (said Johnson,)and when he goes up hill,he STANDS STILL.'
He had a great aversion to gesticulating in company.He called once to a gentleman who offended him in that point,'Don't ATTITUDENISE.'And when another gentleman thought he was giving additional force to what he uttered,by expressive movements of his hands,Johnson fairly seized them,and held them down.
Mr.Steevens,who passed many a social hour with him during their long acquaintance,which commenced when they both lived in the Temple,has preserved a good number of particulars concerning him,most of which are to be found in the department of Apothegms,&c.
in the Collection of Johnson's Works.But he has been pleased to favour me with the following,which are original:--'Dr.Johnson once assumed a character in which perhaps even Mr.
Boswell never saw him.His curiosity having been excited by the praises bestowed on the celebrated Torre's fireworks at Marybone-Gardens,he desired Mr.Steevens to accompany him thither.The evening had proved showery;and soon after the few people present were assembled,publick notice was given,that the conductors to the wheels,suns,stars,&c.,were so thoroughly water-soaked,that it was impossible any part of the exhibition should be made."This is a mere excuse,(says the Doctor,)to save their crackers for a more profitable company.Let us but hold up our sticks,and threaten to break those coloured lamps that surround the Orchestra,and we shall soon have our wishes gratified.The core of the fireworks cannot be injured;let the different pieces be touched in their respective centers,and they will do their offices as well as ever."Some young men who overheard him,immediately began the violence he had recommended,and an attempt was speedily made to fire some of the wheels which appeared to have received the smallest damage;but to little purpose were they lighted,for most of them completely failed.The authour of The Rambler,however,may be considered,on this occasion,as the ringleader of a successful riot,though not as a skilful pyrotechnist.'
'It has been supposed that Dr.Johnson,so far as fashion was concerned,was careless of his appearance in publick.But this is not altogether true,as the following slight instance may show:--Goldsmith's last Comedy was to be represented during some court-mourning:and Mr.Steevens appointed to call on Dr.Johnson,and carry him to the tavern where he was to dine with others of the Poet's friends.The Doctor was ready dressed,but in coloured cloaths;yet being told that he would find every one else in black,received the intelligence with a profusion of thanks,hastened to change his attire,all the while repeating his gratitude for the information that had saved him from an appearance so improper in the front row of a front box."I would not (added he,)for ten pounds,have seemed so retrograde to any general observance."'He would sometimes found his dislikes on very slender circumstances.Happening one day to mention Mr.Flexman,a Dissenting Minister,with some compliment to his exact memory in chronological matters;the Doctor replied,"Let me hear no more of him,Sir.That is the fellow who made the Index to my Ramblers,and set down the name of Milton thus:Milton,MR.John."'
In the course of this work a numerous variety of names has been mentioned,to which many might be added.I cannot omit Lord and Lady Lucan,at whose house he often enjoyed all that an elegant table and the best company can contribute to happiness;he found hospitality united with extraordinary accomplishments,and embellished with charms of which no man could be insensible.
On Tuesday,June 22,I dined with him at THE LITERARY CLUB,the last time of his being in that respectable society.The other members present were the Bishop of St.Asaph,Lord Eliot,Lord Palmerston,Dr.Fordyce,and Mr.Malone.He looked ill;but had such a manly fortitude,that he did not trouble the company with melancholy complaints.They all shewed evident marks of kind concern about him,with which he was much pleased,and he exerted himself to be as entertaining as his indisposition allowed him.