第27章 The Last Day in Eden(1)
"'Tis the sunset of life gives me mystical lore,And coming events cast their shadows before."Of course the baby was asleep and couldn't be touched;but there was some excitement,anyway.Father had come from town with a letter from the new school teacher,that said she would expect him to meet her at the station next Saturday.Mother thought she might as well get the room ready and let her stay at our house,because we were most convenient,and it would be the best place for her.She said that every time,and the teacher always stayed with us.Really it was because father and mother wanted the teacher where they could know as much as possible about what was going on.Sally didn't like having her at all;she said with the wedding coming,the teacher would be a nuisance.Shelley had finished our school,and the Groveville high school,and instead of attending college she was going to Chicago to study music.
She was so anxious over her dresses and getting started,she didn't seem to think much about what was going to happen to us at home;so she didn't care if Miss Amelia stayed at our house.May said it would be best to have the teacher with us,because she could help us with our lessons at home,and we could get ahead of the others.May already had decided that she would be at the head of her class when she finished school,and every time you wanted her and couldn't find her,if you would look across the foot of mother's bed,May would be there with a spelling book.
Once she had spelled down our school,when Laddie was not there.
Father had met Peter Dover in town,and he had said that he was coming to see Sally,because he had something of especial importance to tell her.
"Did he say what it was?"asked Sally.
"Only what I have told you,"replied father.
Sally wanted to take the broom and sweep the parlour.
"It's clean as a ribbon,"said mother.
"If you go in there,you'll wake the baby,"said Lucy.
"Will it kill it if I do?"asked Sally.
"No,but it will make it cross as fire,so it will cry all the time Peter is here,"said Lucy.
"I'll be surprised if it doesn't scream every minute anyway,"said Sally.
"I hope it will,"said Lucy."That will make Peter think a while before he comes so often."That made Sally so angry she couldn't speak,so she went out and began killing chickens.I helped her catch them.They were so used to me they would come right to my feet when I shelled corn.
"I'm going to kill three,"said Sally."I'm going to be sure we have enough,but don't you tell until their heads are off."While she was working on them mother came out and asked how many she had,so Sally said three.Mother counted us and said that wasn't enough;there would have to be four at least.
After she was gone Sally looked at me and said:"Well,for land's sake!"It was so funny she had to laugh,and by the time I caught the fourth one,and began helping pick them,she was over being provoked and we had lots of fun.
The minute I saw Peter Dover he made me think of something.I rode his horse to the barn with Leon leading it.There we saw Laddie.
"Guess what!"I cried.
"Never could!"laughed Laddie,giving Peter Dover's horse a slap as it passed him on the way to a stall.
"Four chickens,ham,biscuit,and cake!"I announced.
"Is it a barbecue?"asked Laddie.
"No,the extra one is for the baby,"said Leon."Squally little runt,I call it.""It's a nice baby!"said Laddie.
"What do you know about it?"demanded Leon.
"Well,considering that I started with you,and have brought up two others since,I am schooled in all there is to know,"said Laddie.
"Guess what else!"I cried.
"More?"said Laddie."Out with it!Don't kill me with suspense.""Father is going to town Saturday to meet the new teacher and she will stay at our house as usual."Leon yelled and fell back in a manger,while Laddie held harness oil to his nose.
"More!"cried Leon,grabbing the bottle.
"Are you sure?"asked Laddie of me earnestly.
"It's decided.Mother said so,"I told him.
"Name of a black cat,why?"demanded Laddie.
"Mother said we were most convenient for the teacher.""Aren't there enough of us?"asked Leon,straightening up sniffing harness oil as if his life depended on it.
"Any unprejudiced person would probably say so to look in,"said Laddie.
"I'll bet she'll be sixty and a cat,"said Leon."Won't I have fun with her?""Maybe so,maybe not!"said Laddie."You can't always tell,for sure.Remember your Alamo!You were going to have fun with the teacher last year,but she had it with you."Leon threw the oil bottle at him.Laddie caught it and set it on the shelf.
"I don't understand,"said Leon.
"I do,"said Laddie dryly."THIS is one reason."He hit Peter Dover's horse another slap.
"Maybe yes,"said Leon.
"Shelley to music school,two."
"Yes,"said Leon."Peter Dovers are the greatest expense,and Peter won't happen but once.Shelley will have at least two years in school before it is her turn,and you come next,anyway.""Shut up!"cried Laddie.
"Thanky!Your orders shall be obeyed gladly."He laid down the pitchfork,went outside,closed the door,and latched it.Laddie called to him,but he ran to the house.When Laddie and I finished our work,and his,and wanted to go,we had to climb the stairs and leave through the front door on the embankment.
"The monkey!"said Laddie,but he didn't get mad;he just laughed.
The minute I stepped into the house and saw the parlour door closed,I thought of that "something"again.I walked past it,but couldn't hear anything.Of course mother wanted to know;and she would be very thankful to me if I could tell her.I went out the front door,and thought deeply on the situation.The windows were wide open,but I was far below them and I could only hear a sort of murmur.Why can't people speak up loud and plain,anyway?Of course they would sit on the big haircloth sofa.