第233章 BOOK XIII(9)
Then came a priest to Galahad,and said:Sir,it is past a seven year agone that these seven brethren came into this castle,and harboured with the lord of this castle that hight the Duke Lianour,and he was lord of all this country.And when they espied the duke's daughter,that was a full fair woman,then by their false covin they made debate betwixt themself,and the duke of his goodness would have departed them,and there they slew him and his eldest son.And then they took the maiden and the treasure of the castle.And then by great force they held all the knights of this castle against their will under their obeissance,and in great service and truage,robbing and pilling the poor common people of all that they had.So it happened on a day the duke's daughter said:
Ye have done unto me great wrong to slay mine own father,and my brother,and thus to hold our lands:not for then,she said,ye shall not hold this castle for many years,for by one knight ye shall be overcome.Thus she prophesied seven years agone.Well,said the seven knights,sithen ye say so,there shall never lady nor knight pass this castle but they shall abide maugre their heads,or die therefore,till that knight be come by whom we shall lose this castle.And therefore is it called the Maidens'
Castle,for they have devoured many maidens.Now,said Galahad,is she here for whom this castle was lost?Nay sir,said the priest,she was dead within these three nights after that she was thus enforced;and sithen have they kept her younger sister,which endureth great pains with mo other ladies.
By this were the knights of the country come,and then he made them do homage and fealty to the king's daughter,and set them in great ease of heart.And in the morn there came one to Galahad and told him how that Gawaine,Gareth,and Uwaine,had slain the seven brethren.I suppose well,said Sir Galahad,and took his armour and his horse,and commended them unto God.
How Sir Gawaine came to the abbey for to follow Galahad,and how he was shriven to a hermit.
NOW,saith the tale,after Sir Gawaine departed,he rode many journeys,both toward and froward.And at the last he came to the abbey where Sir Galahad had the white shield,and there Sir Gawaine learned the way to sewe after Sir Galahad;and so he rode to the abbey where Melias lay sick,and there Sir Melias told Sir Gawaine of the marvellous adventures that Sir Galahad did.Certes,said Sir Gawaine,I am not happy that I took not the way that he went,for an I may meet with him I will not depart from him lightly,for all marvellous adventures Sir Galahad enchieveth.Sir,said one of the monks,he will not of your fellowship.Why?said Sir Gawaine.Sir,said he,for ye be wicked and sinful,and he is full blessed.
Right as they thus stood talking there came in riding Sir Gareth.And then they made joy either of other.And on the morn they heard mass,and so departed.And by the way they met with Sir Uwaine les Avoutres,and there Sir Uwaine told Sir Gawaine how he had met with none adventure sith he departed from the court.Nor we,said Sir Gawaine.And either promised other of the three knights not to depart while they were in that quest,but if fortune caused it.
So they departed and rode by fortune till that they came by the Castle of Maidens;and there the seven brethren espied the three knights,and said:Sithen,we be flemed by one knight from this castle,we shall destroy all the knights of King Arthur's that we may overcome,for the love of Sir Galahad.And therewith the seven knights set upon the three knights,and by fortune Sir Gawaine slew one ot the brethren,and each one of his fellows slew another,and so slew the remnant.And then they took the way under the castle,and there they lost the way that Sir Galahad rode,and there everych of them departed from other;and Sir Gawaine rode till he came to an hermitage,and there he found the good man saying his evensong of Our Lady;and there Sir Gawaine asked harbour for charity,and the good man granted it him gladly.
Then the good man asked him what he was.Sir,he said,I am a knight of King Arthur's that am in the quest of the Sangreal,and my name is Sir Gawaine.
Sir,said the good man,I would wit how it standeth betwixt God and you.Sir,said Sir Gawaine,I will with a good will shew you my life if it please you;and there he told the hermit how a monk of an abbey called me wicked knight.He might well say it,said the hermit,for when ye were first made knight ye should have taken you to knightly deeds and virtuous living,and ye have done the contrary,for ye have lived mischievously many winters;and Sir Galahad is a maid and sinned never,and that is the cause he shall enchieve where he goeth that ye nor none such shall not attain,nor none in your fellowship,for ye have used the most untruest life that ever I heard knight live.For certes had ye not been so wicked as ye are,never had the seven brethren been slain by you and your two fellows.For Sir Galahad himself alone beat them all seven the day to-fore,but his living is such he shall slay no man lightly.Also I may say you the Castle of Maidens betokeneth the good souls that were in prison afore the Incarnation of Jesu Christ.And the seven knights betoken the seven deadly sins that reigned that time in the world;and I may liken the good Galahad unto the son of the High Father,that lighted within a maid,and bought all the souls out of thrall,so did Sir Galahad deliver all the maidens out of the woful castle.
Now,Sir Gawaine,said the good man,thou must do penance for thy sin.Sir,what penance shall I do?
Such as I will give,said the good man.Nay,said Sir Gawaine,I may do no penance;for we knights adventurous oft suffer great woe and pain.Well,said the good man,and then he held his peace.And on the morn Sir Gawaine departed from the hermit,and betaught him unto God.And by adventure he met with Sir Aglovale and Sir Griflet,two knights of the Table Round.And they two rode four days without finding of any adventure,and at the fifth day they departed.