Meditation to Buddha
Project Name: Hongyuan Jingshe
Design Company: New Family of Interior Decoration Co., Ltd
Designer: Lin Bingnan
Size: 43m2
Material: calcium silicate ceiling, walnut veneer, teak flooring, Japanese Inax tile, ici paint, wood, shell sand, glass, wood essential oil, marble, toto sanitaryware, mark berry tile

By good luck, Mr. Lin Bingnan is responsible for the studio in the ownership of Master Ainsh who has a particular preference for Buddha pictures. For this reason, the studio, the dorm and the bathroom are paid more attention. Additionally, the studio needs a space big enough for josses and art collection. Meanwhile, the space environment should serve as the background of art collection and show the tolerance and habits of Buddhist practice so that the Master can fully enjoy the joy of ease in meditation. All collections such as those carved by Mr. Fa Chengxian, the bronze sculpture and josses carved by Lin Sanmo, and artworks made by Hua Kiln as well as cypress Treasure bottles. Additionally, the space must keep a liquid continuality good for eye and pleasant for heart.

平面布置图 Layout Plan

On the lotus tower at the entrance sits the Bodhisattva with a solemn smiling face. Beside the entrance the sculptural figure of Buddha is a happy acolyte named Dunhuang Dancer, one piece of many sculptures made by Mr. Fa Chengxian. Then comes the peaceful studio, in the middle of which are a long wooden table benches that serve both as a working platform and a reception desk. The glass filmed desktop is of door popular in early Taiwan, showing a simple natural temperament. On the main wall hangs artwork carved by Mr. Lin Sanmo, a well-known sculptor, with lection from Vajracchedika-sutra that reads, all compounded phenomena, are illusory, are like a dream, a bubble, a shadow, the morning dew, or lightning. You should do as you see what the really thought-provoking is. And it's proper and appropriate in this place. On another side stands a showcase to display all kinds of famous works including a Treasure Bottle of Taiwan cypress and ceramics. Additionally, a view of the end stone wall, wood, shell sands, ropes, and stumps is remarkable by the window designed. What's noticeable is another cross-legged acolyte, sitting on the stump that seems absent in meditation, which is also carved by Mr. Fa Chengxian. All are in a peaceful state and echo with the quiet nature.
The space behind the entrance, though not big, is really a good collection of artworks, all made by famous artists. Materials like the platycladus orientalis, and INAX tiles, low-key and textured, serves as backdrop. The categorized varieties of artworks become the focus no matter where you are. A Buddhist environment full of art atmosphere is thus emerging.
Thanks to the ingenious layout, the small interior space functions very well. In front of the plain wall opposite to the painting desk stands the solemn Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, also carved by a famous artist, by which is a washing station of blue and white porcelain. It's so easy and convenient to wash hands before burning incenses. In the middle of the showcase hides the door to the bedroom; such an approach serves well for vision in terms of unity and privacy. The whole space is steady and low-key, revealing a peaceful and unbuttoned atmosphere that allows people to concentrate on meditation. Paying all attention to meditation is also an important Buddhist Dharma practice.