Focus on Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test
In Part 3 of the speaking test, you will be asked to give your opinion.
21. Look at the following questions and circle the word that best expresses your own opinion.
What do you think about:
a. advertisements that target children and young teenagers?
I think that they’re... good okay bad
b. advertisements that use very thin models?
I think that they’re... good okay bad
c. advertisements that don’t show the true price of the product or service?
I think that they’re... good okay bad
d. advertisements that make the product/service appear better than it actually is?
I think that they’re... good okay bad
22. When you have finished, compare your answers with a partner. Do you agree?
23. Listen to a candidate talking about the same questions. Go back and underline the word that best expresses her opinion.
24. Listen again and complete the phrases that show she’s giving her opinion. The first one has been done for you.
a. I don’t think it’s...
b. In __________________ __________________, these...
c. I __________________ __________________ it’s...
d. I __________________ __________________ it’s...
25. Look at the questions again and answer them using the information given below and the opinion phrases from above. Work with a partner.
26. Use the ideas given below and the phrases in the box to give an opinion. The first one has been done for you as an example.
I think... / I don’t think... I believe... / I don’t believe...
I feel... / I don’t feel... In my opinion...
a. Big companies spend too much money on advertising.
’I don’t believe that advertising really influences what people buy.‘
b. Television advertising reaches more people than print media.
c. Children can persuade their parents to buy things.
d. Many radio advertisements aren’t very professional.
27. Look at the following questions. Note down all of the vocabulary items you will need to give your own opinion. Use the Vocabulary Bank and your dictionary to help you if necessary.
a. What do you think about advertisements that target children and young teenagers?
b. What do you think about advertisements that use very thin models?
c. What do you think about advertisements that don’t show the true price of the product or service?
d. What do you think about advertisements that make the product or service appear better than it actually is?
e. Do you think that advertising can have a negative influence on children?
f. Do you think that the amount some companies spend on advertising is excessive?
g. Do you think television advertising is more effective than print media?
28. Now work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions above. Make sure that you give your own opinion.