Exercise 17
Unit 1
1.改寄;改变投递方向 v.__________
2.重新分配 n.__________
3.被裁减的;多余的 adj.__________
4.重做;再次进行 v.__________
5.再次检查;重新考虑 n.__________
6.指示对象 n.__________
7.反射的;沉思的 adj.__________
8.难以驾驭的;难治的 adj.__________
9.克制;节制 v.副歌 n.__________
10.使冷却,冷藏 v.__________
11.愉悦;使快乐 v.__________
12.使振兴;使再生 v.__________
13.团的;团队的 adj.__________
14.退步的;退化的 adj.__________
15.懊悔地 adv.__________
16.具有监管权的;监管的 adj.__________
17.使康复;恢复…的名誉 v.__________
18.统治的,起支配作用的 adj.__________
19.偿还;补偿 v.__________
20.(使)恢复(原来的地位) v.__________
21.重申,反复地说 v.__________
22.使复苏;使重新活跃 v.__________
23.使降级,使贬职 v.__________
24.终于答应;变温和 v.__________
25.无情的;不停的 adj.__________
26.相关性;意义 n.__________
27.可信赖的;可依靠的 adj.__________
28.减轻,解除 v.__________
29.感到宽慰的,放心的 adj.__________
30.宗教;宗教信仰 n.__________
31.(尤指不情愿地)放弃 v.__________
32.享受;乐趣 n.享受 v.__________
33.勉强,不情愿 n.__________
34.非凡的,显著的 adj.__________
35.回忆过去的 adj.__________
36.疏忽的,玩忽职守的 adj.__________
37.懊悔,自责 n.__________
1.可靠的助手 a__________assistant
2.宗教自由 freedom of__________
5.撤销处分__________a penalty
6.关于,至于 with__________to
7.屋脊 the__________of a roof
8.振兴经济__________the economy
9.贸易复苏__________of trade
redundant rekindle refrain regenerate rehabilitate
1.You used too many__________in this passage.你在这篇文章里用了太多多余的词。
2.The survey finds that the majority of people can__________smoking in public such as theater and museum.调查发现大多数人能够在公共场所如剧院和博物馆控制住不抽烟。
3.The sea cucumber will__________if it is attacked.海参被袭击后能够自行再生。
4.The prison service should try to__________rather than merely imprisonment.监狱服务应该尝试改造罪犯而不是单纯地羁押。
5.In New Zealand, classes for children have slowed the erosion of Maori and__________in the language.在新西兰,为孩子们开设的课程减缓了毛利语所受的侵蚀,重新燃起了他们对该语言的兴趣。
Unit 2
1.冷酷地,无情地 adv.__________
2.遥远的;偏僻的 adj.__________
3.遥远;偏僻 n.__________
4.报酬丰厚的 adj.__________
5.呈递,提供;给予 v.__________
6.叛教者,叛徒 n.__________
7.更新;复兴,振兴 n.__________
8.宣布断绝与…的关系 v.__________
9.名望,声誉 n.__________
10.有名的;受尊敬的 adj.__________
11.可修理的 adj.__________
12.赔偿,补偿 n.__________
13.撤销,废除(法律) v.__________
14.击退;排斥 v.__________
15.令人厌恶的;防…的 adj.__________
16.可表演项目,全部才能 n.__________
17.重复;重做 n.__________
18.重复的 adj.__________
19.重复乏味的 adj.__________
20.补充;重新装满 v.__________
21.充满的,供应充足的 adj.__________
22.复制;再生 v.__________
23.记者的;报道的 adj.__________
24.应受谴责的 adj.__________
25.呈现;代表;象征 v.__________
26.抑制,压抑;镇压 v.__________
27.抑制的;镇压的 adj.__________
28.训诫,斥责 v./n.__________
29.报复;报复行动 n.__________
30.责备;批评 n./v.__________
31.拒绝接受;否认 v.__________
32.拒绝接受;否认 n.__________
33.嫌恶;强烈的反感 n.__________
34.十分嫌恶的 adj.__________
35.使厌恶;击退;回绝 v.__________
36.名声;名誉 n.__________
37.必需物 n.必需的 adj.__________
1.relentless feckless odorless spineless restless ruthless
2.reliable affable desirable equitable favorable dependable
3.relegate reprieve appreciate relieve humiliate alleviate
4.remarkable intractable miserable exemplary extraordinary contrary
5.relieved replete remiss negligent multiple null
6.recruit remorse recline regret reckon refresh
Group 1
1.remunerative a.to give up or resign by formal declaration
2.render b.the act or process of renewing
3.renewal c.capable of being repaired
4.renounce d.to give somebody something
5.reparable e.paying a lot of money
Group 2
1.repeal a.to fill or build up again
2.repel b.arousing disgust
3.repellent c.to annul by authoritative act
4.replenish d.to copy something exactly
5.replicate e.to drive, push or keep something away
Unit 3
1.废除;取消 v.__________
2.营救 n./v.__________
3.看起来像,像 v.__________
4.憎恶,怨恨 v.__________
5.忿恨的,怨恨的 adj.__________
6.居住在;定居于 v.__________
7.住宅的,适合居住的 adj.__________
8.剩余的;残余的 adj.__________
9.辞职 v.__________
10.辞职;辞呈 n.__________
11.有弹性的;可迅速恢复的 adj.__________
12.洪亮的;共鸣的 adj.__________
13.度假胜地;求助,诉诸 n.__________
14.尊敬 n./v.__________
15.呼吸的 adj.__________
16.暂缓;喘息 n.__________
17.反应积极的;反应热烈的 adj.__________
18.再次声明,重述 n.__________
19.归还(赃物等);赔偿 n.__________
20.焦躁不安的;不耐烦的 adj.__________
21.修复;复原 n.__________
22.恢复;修复 v.__________
23.限制,约束 v.__________
24.重新开始,继续 v.__________
25.复活 v.__________
26.重新应用;使复兴 v.__________
27.使苏醒;使恢复知觉 v.__________
28.保留,保持 v.__________
29.报复,反击 v.__________
30.有记性的,记忆力强的 adj.__________
31.沉默寡言的;有保留的 adj.__________
32.退休,(因伤)退出 v.__________
33.撤销;缩回,拉回 v.__________
34.报应,惩罚 n.__________
35.索回,取回;挽回 v.__________
36.回顾;追溯往事 n.__________
37.回顾的;追溯的 adj.__________
1.制冷设备 refrigerate a.rift
2.执政君主 reigning b.reverse
3.精神赔偿 moral c.joint
4.呼吸道 respiratory d.equipment
5.回顾,回想 in e.monarch
6.相反,反向 in f.tract
7.大陆裂谷 continental g.reparation
8.弹性接合 resilient h.retrospect
resort retaliate reside rescue resent
1.Several school children__________the burning building.几名小学生被从燃烧的大楼里救出。
2.There are some people__________.有些人很怨恨批评。
3.Two species of these finches__________the evergreen forests of North America.这些雀的两个种类居住在北美的常青树林中。
4.A woodworker can join a chest together without__________nails or glue.木工无需借助钉子或胶水就能把箱子连接起来。
5.Christie__________by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl's utter incompetence.为了报复,克里斯蒂给他朋友寄了一封长信,细述卡尔完全不称职。
Unit 4
1.回来;归还 v.回报 n.__________
2.揭露;显示 v.__________
3.被暴露的真相;揭露 n.__________
4.回响,回荡 v.__________
5.尊敬;崇敬 v.__________
6.充满敬意的,恭敬的 adj.__________
7.反面 n.彻底转变;颠倒 v.__________
8.可逆的;可翻转的 adj.__________
9.恢复,回到;重提 v.__________
10.辱骂,斥责 v.__________
11.改变;修订 v.__________
12.使恢复生机 v.__________
13.复苏;复兴 n.__________
14.取消,废除;使无效 v.__________
15.报酬,奖赏 n.奖赏 v.__________
16.狂热的;狂想曲的 adj.__________
17.花言巧语;修辞 n.__________
18.花言巧语的;修辞的 adj.__________
19.有节奏的 adj.__________
20.猥亵诙谐的言语 n.__________
21.使隆起 v.山脊;隆起 n.__________
22.嘲笑,奚落 n./v.__________
23.荒谬的,可笑的 adj.__________
24.分歧;裂口,断裂 n.__________
25.公正;正直 n.__________
26.死板的;僵硬的 adj.__________
27.死板;僵硬 n.__________
28.谨慎的;严格的 adj.__________
29.(突然或猛烈地)撕裂 v.__________
30.仪式;惯例 n.__________
31.竞争对手 n.与…匹敌 v.__________
32.竞争,对抗 n.__________
33.铆钉 n.吸引住 v.__________
34.闲逛,漫步 v.__________
35.健壮的;结实的 adj.__________
36.多岩石的;不稳定的 adj.__________
37.浪漫史;风流韵事 n.__________
38.玫瑰色的;粉红色的 adj.__________
1.renegade reproof apostate residue rotate annotate
2.renowned committed composed celebrated impressed improvised
3.repellent insolent indolent pestilent cumbersome loathsome
4.replicate adjudicate extricate abdicate medicate duplicate
5.repressive obsessive passive aggressive oppressive excessive
6.rescue reproach reside requite reprimand resound
Group 1
1.reveal a.to give new life or vigor to
2.revere b.to officially cancel something so that it is no longer valid
3.revile c.to make something known to somebody
4.revitalize d.to feel great respect for somebody
5.revoke e.to use abusive language
Group 2
1.rhapsodic a.unkind comments that make fun of somebody
2.ridicule b.very strict and difficult to change
3.rigid c.strong and healthy
4.rip d.expressing great enthusiasm or happiness
5.robust e.to tear something, often suddenly or violently