Durban Summit and BRICS' Future Cooperation
Author:Dr.Jiang Hengkun is an associate research fellow of the Institute of African Studies(IAS)at Zhejiang Normal University,and he is also a post doctorate of Shanghai Normal University and a visiting scholar in the Center for Chinese Studies(CCS)at Stellenbosch University.His research fields cover Sudanese issues and Sino-African relations.He can be reached at:jianghk@zjnu.edu.cn.
Chai Qingyou,a master student of the Institute of African Studies(IAS)at Zhejiang Normal University.
Abstract:From a concept at the very beginning to a nowadays pragmatic cooperation,BRICS cooperation mechanism has experienced a process in which it turned from an idea to a concrete measure.The 5th BRICS summit held in Durban in March 2013 announced to set up the BRICS Development Bank,the BRICS Contingent Foreign Exchange Reserve and the BRICS Business Council.The summit also highlighted the cooperation between BRICS countries and African countries,and showed a golden prospect for the developing countries. However,due to historical and practical reasons,the future cooperation among BRICS countries is still facing serious challenges which requires the BRICS countries',especially China's unflagging effort to enhance mutual trust and benefit,and to promote cooperation mechanisms.Without cement,bricks cannot turn into a wall,and the practical cooperative mechanism is very“cement”that could firmly glue the“BRICS”together.
Key words:BRICS,Durban Summit,Cooperation mechanism,Challenges
The Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
Author:Zhang Zhongxiang,professor,Deputy Director of the Centre for African Studies at Shanghai Normal University.His research fields cover African issues and Sino-African relations.
Abstract:The Fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC is an important meeting about China-Africa cooperation.It is held under the background which China-Africa relations has made big progress and is facing new challenges.This conference has passed two important documents,one is the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Declaration,and the other is the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan(2013-2015).The Fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC has some new characteristics including enhancing investment and financing to African countries,strengthening cooperation between African regional and sub-regional organizations,playing a more active role in the fields of peace and security in Africa continent,and promoting cooperation on cultural and people-to-people exchanges,and so on.
Key words:The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,The Fifth Ministerial Conference,Sino-African relations
Analysis of Reportson China's Aid to Construction of AU's Conference Center and Office Complex
Author:Zhao Jun,PhD in law,associate research fellow of the Institute of African Studies(IAS)at Zhejiang Normal University.His research fields cover China's public diplomacy towards Africa,African history and international relations theories.
Abstract:As the China's largest aid project in Africa after the Tanzania-Zambia Railway,the African Union Conference Center project has attracted extensive attention from the international media.With regard to the news reported,western media,African media and Chinese media have great differences in the data & facts,issues and value orientations.Based on the data comparison and facts clarification,this paper analyses the three kinds of media's positions on the aid patterns,the motives of aid,security issues,and explores the value orientations the reports contained.The western media reports presented a kind of discourse hegemony based on“Western Centralism”,and the African media showed a reflection to maintaining dignity and on its own road of development,and the Chinese media gradually evolved from monologue of“friendship”into the pursuit of dialogue and cooperation.Overcoming the negative effects caused by misunderstanding,wrong information and the lack of background information,is also an important part in China's public diplomacy towards Africa.
Key words:Media,Sino-African relations,Facts,Topics,Value orientation
Development of African Energy Industry and Oil-Gas Discovery inEast Africa
Author:Zhang Chunyu was born in 1980.He is a research fellow of the Institute of World Economics and Politics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.His research fields cover energy issue,African economics and China-Africa economic cooperation.
Tang Jun was born in 1982.He is apost doctorate in the Institute of National Accounts,Beijing Normal University
Abstract:This paper introduces the lasted status of African energy storage,energy production,energy consumption and energy trade,and summarizes the characteristics of African and the main countries' energy industry.In recent years,the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa and East Africa have become the world's hotspots in oil and gas exploration,especially the oil-gas discovery in East Africa attracted the global attention.This paper introduces the historical process and the lasted status of oil-gas discovery in East Africa,and analyzes its impact on African energy industry and economy.In the last section,the paper puts forward some suggestions for the Chinese oil-gas companies on how to participate in the competition of oil-gas exploration in East Africa.
Key Words:Energy storage,Energy production,Energy consumption,Energy trade,East Africa
The Presidential Election ofEgypt and Riot
Author:Liu Yun,PhD in History,professor of North African politics and international relations at the Institute of Africa Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.He can be reached at:liuyun@zjnu.cn.
Abstract:The presidential election in 2012 is an important event in the political development of Egypt which marked that Egypt's authoritarian politics was replaced by multi-party democracy,at the same time,the Islamist force as represented by the Muslim Brotherhood,has become the largest legal political force instead of an illegal organization.Surrounding the presidential election,various political forces of Egypt,such as Islamists,Mubarak's old Chief of staff,the military,Liberals have initiated a variety of fighting with each other,often accompanied by street politics on Cairo's Tahrir square.Finally,Egypt presidential election was held as scheduled,the candidate from the Freedom and Justice Party under the Muslim Brotherhood,Mohamed Morsi,won the election and became the first democratically elected President.Egypt got into a period of multiparty democracy.
Key words:Egypt,Presidential election,Morsi,Riot
Noticeable Persons inAfrica:Zuma,Meles and Mursi
Author:Liu Yun,PhD in History,professor of North African politics and international relations at the Institute of Africa Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.He can be reached at:liuyun@zjnu.cn.
Abstract:The author selected Jacob Zuma,Meles Zenawi and Muhammad Mursi as African noticeable Persons in 2012 to introduce.Overcoming the political resistances successfully and taking the presidential throne of South Africa,Jacob Zuma has been implementing economic policies inclined to ordinary civilians.Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died of illness on August 20,2012 in Brussels,Belgium,he served Ethiopian as transitional President and Prime Minister for 22 years,and has made important contributions to Ethiopia's socio-economic development.Mursi is the first elected president of Egypt after Mubarak,his coming to power marks Egyptian politics has entered a period of multiparty democracy.
Key words:Jacob Zuma,Meles Zenawi,Muhammad Mursi
Africa's Political Development and International Relations(2012—2013)
Author:Yu Wensheng was born in 1970.She was graduated from University of Foreign Studies in Beijing.She has engaged in African studies since 1995.Her research areas include African politics,security and international relations.She is now an associate research fellow at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.
Abstract:In 2012,the situation of Africa’ s North was still unstable while its South was not.North Africa entered into a period of reconstruction and recovery after great turmoil.The turmoil is still appeared in some countries of North Africa from time to time,while Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole maintained peace and stability.But because of the“spillover effect”of the Libyan war,terrorism,extremism,organized crime and other factors,the security in partial areas in Sub-Saharan Africa is confronted with greater challenges.The United States and European countries strengthened their intervention in Africa,in order to enhance their respective influence in Africa,as well as to balance the impacts of China and other emerging powers in Africa.Among of these,the most striking thing is that the United States and other Western countries continued to expand its military presence in Africa by involving in hot issues of the region,and“militarization”of Africa policy is emerging as an increasingly important trend.
Key words:Africa,Political development,International relations,Annual situation
Africa's Relations with U.S,EU andJapan(2012—2013)
Author:Liu Qingjian is a professor at the School of International Studies in Renmin University,whose research focus is on international relations theories,political economy and diplomacy of developing countries.
Wang Zhaoxia is a PhD candidate at theSchool of International Studies in Renmin University,whose research focus is on international relations theories and Sino-African relations.
Abstract:The developed countries,led by the United States,EU and Japan continued to focus on Africa and further strengthened the relationships with Africa in the political,economic and military fields according to their own national interests in 2012.The United States released U.S strategy towards Sub-Saharan Africa and carried out a comprehensive policy in Africa that balanced the long-term interests with near-term imperatives.The overall Africa policy of EU showed clearly trend in security field and made major breakthrough in economic cooperation.France proposed new Africa policy,sought new models of France-Africa relations and strengthened its influence in Africa.Japan vigorously strengthened cooperation with Africa,actively promoted diplomacy towards Africa and gradually advanced military power strategy by using the war on terrorism in Africa.In brief,the development trends of relationships of Africa and the United States,Europe and Japan still showed that the developed countries were in dominant,positive and strong position,on the contrary,Africa countries almost were in response,passive and weak position.
Key words:U.S-Africa relations,France-Africa relations,Japan-Africa relations
New Trends of Conflicts in Post-Cold War Era and Major Conflicts inAfrica(2012—2013)
Author:Wang Xuejun is an associate research fellow serving in the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University.His research interests include African security,Sino-African relations and EU & US's policies towards Africa.
Abstract:Conflicts occurred in Africa have been assuming several new trends after the cold war.The first is the decrease of the frequency of the conflicts.Secondly,the scale of the conflict has become smaller and presented the characteristics of regionalization and crossing national boundaries.Thirdly,there are some new forms of violent conflict including electoral violent and local conflicts caused by natural resources fighting.Geo-political transformation is the main reason for these changes.Despite the downward trend of African violent conflicts since the end of the cold war,there are still some conflicts taking place in some fragile states and regions in Africa,including Mali,South and North Sudan,Somalia,the east of Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central Africa Republic.
Key words:Africa,Internal wars,Conflicts,New trends
Current Situation of Sub-Saharan African Rebels(2012—2013)
Author:Dr.Wang Tao,was born in 1983.He is a lecturer at the Centre for African Studies,Yunnan University.He has studied history in University of Zambia from 2008 to 2009.He ever took visits to Namibia,Tanzania,Uganda and Kenya for field research.Currently,his research areas are Sub-Saharan African rebels and Eastern African international relationship.
Abstract:The problem of rebels in Sub-Saharan Africa is the accumulated results of various contradictions in the process of development.In return,activities of these rebels further intensify contradictions.From 2012 to March 2013,rebel's movements in Sub-Saharan Africa presented new features along with the continuity.In the Horn of Africa,Nigeria and the region of Great Lakes,rebels are rampant as usual.New trends are reflected in following areas:1.rebel force in north Mali has expanded which eventually led to the interference by French army.2.in Central African Republic,rebel alliance“Seleka”seized central government power.
Key Words:Rebels,Al-Shabab,MNLA,Seleka,LRA,M23 movement
Annual Report on the Political Development of Southern African Countries(2012—2013)
Author:Li Pengtao,associate professor at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University,his research mainly focuses on African political history.He can be reached at Email:lipengtao1981@gmail.com.
Abstract:Southern African region remains overall stable.The Marikana Massacre not only made ANC government being criticized,but has also exposed the deep-seated problems in South African society.Nevertheless,Jacob Zuma won the Maunguang meeting.The Zimbabwean new constitution smoothly passed referendum,which made presidential election possible.The new president Jocye Banda is trying to revamp her government relations with western donors.In Zambia,the policy which Sata government has taken was criticized for endangering political stability and weakening its investment attractiveness and economic growth.DR Congo is different from other regional countries because of the M23 Movement,which leads the regional turmoil in Eastern Congo.
Key words:Marikana miner strike,Manguang Meeting,Zimbabwe,M23 movement
Report on the Political Development in the Horn ofAfrica(2012—2013)
Author:Xiao Yuhua,assistant research fellow of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.His research fields cover African international relations and China's corporate social responsibility in Africa.
Abstract:Political development in the Horn of Africa witnessed positive progress in the past year(2012—2013).This paper analyses the political development of countries in the Horn of Africa region through the study of political succession and election,civil society and democracy,inter-ethnic relations and local rebellion,and new leaders.Special emphasis will be laid on political succession in Ethiopia,elections in Kenya and Somalia,inter-ethnic relations in Uganda and South Sudan,and the newly-appointed/elected leaders in Ethiopia,Kenya and Somalia.
Key words:Horn of Africa,Political development,Political succession,Inter-ethnic relations
The New Changes in the Relations betweenSudan and South Sudan(2012—2013)
Author:Dr.Jiang Hengkun is an associate research fellow of the Institute of African Studies(IAS)at Zhejiang Normal University,and he is also a post doctorate of Shanghai Normal University and a visiting scholar in the Center for Chinese Studies(CCS)at Stellenbosch University.His research fields cover Sudanese issues and Sino-African relations.He can be reached at:jianghk@zjnu.edu.cn.
Zhou Jun,a master student of theInstitute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.
Abstract:Since the independence of South Sudan,the relations between Sudan and South Sudan have been tense due to many pending issues.The shutdown of South Sudan's oil production in early 2012 and the subsequent armed conflict in Heglig finally brought the bilateral relations into antagonism.Under the international and domestic pressures,the two Sudans were forced to restart negotiations,and signed in September 2012 a series of agreements that so far haven’t been implemented.From March 2013,two armies began to retreat from the demilitarized border zones,and South Sudan resumed oil production and is expected to export its oil through pipelines in Sudan.The tension between the two countries began to ease.In spite of this,the normalization of relations between the two countries still depends on whether they could cooperate for the distribution of oil revenues,solve the pending issues and stop to support each other's rebel groups,and this will be the crucible of the tolerance and political wisdom of the two Sudans' statesmen and their people.
Key words:Sudan,South Sudan,Conflicts,Oil
Situation and Features of African Economic Development(2012—2013)
Author:Shu Yunguo,professor,Executive Deputy Director of China-Africa International Business School,Zhejiang Normal University.He is also a Vice Chairman of Asia-Africa Society of China and a Vice Chairman of Chinese Society of African Historical Studies.
Abstract:The African economy has made significant progress in 2012.There are many features in the economic development.They are adjustment of economic development strategies,emergence of local“emerging economies”in the African continent,strengthened links with the BRIC countries,big strides in its economic integration,manifestation of demographic dividend,and expanded consumer market,further development of China-Africa economic and trade relations.Admittedly,Africa's economic development is also facing some unfavorable challenges:political turmoil occurred in some areas or states,the economic structure in African countries remain fundamentally untransformed,the foundation of economic development is still fragile,and the economic development does not contribute much to livelihood issues.However,from the overall perspective,the favorable factors,which are more powerful than the negative ones,play a dominant role in the economic development in Africa.In the following period of time,the continent will keep a rapid development in its economy as before.
Key words:Africa,Economic development,Situation,Features
New Momentum in the Development ofAfrica's Economic Integration(2012—2013)
Author:Yang Lihua,professor/senior research fellow at the Institute of West Asian and African Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.E-mail:yanglh@cass.org.cn.
Abstract:In the last five decades after gaining independence,African countries have been promoting solidarity and common development,to seek development path to unity and self-improvement.Since the beginning of the 21st century,the world has witnessed faster moves in Africa's regional integrated development,particularly after the establishment of the African Union in 2002.Continental and sub-regional development strategies and programmes have been drafted and adopted,which laid the foundation for Africa's economic integration.In 2012,the AU was pushing harder for intra-African trade,continental and regional infrastructure projects,agricultural development,financial integration,the process of industrialization and increasing employment.African countries are in agreement that industrialization should go together with building regional production chains and supply chains.Intra-Africa economic integration based on sub-regional communities will unleash Africa's development potential and realize Africa's renaissance.
Key words:Africa,Economic development,Regional integration
New Trends of International Assistance to Africa(2012—2013)
Author:Hu Mei,associate research fellow at the Office of African Politics and International Relations,Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University,her research areas include Sino-Africa relations,the history and reality of China aid and the issues of African development.
Abstract:For a long time,the Development Assistance Committee of OECD has played the most important role in international aid,its share of international aid accounts for the majority of the world's total amount.However,the traditional aid shows a diminishing trend with financial crisis in 2008.United States,Britain and France are still the most important donors in Africa with their high amount of aid,Denmark,Luxembourg,the Netherlands,Norway and Sweden reached the UN target which is 0.7 percent of its gross national income.As the poorest continent in the world,Africa is not the recipient with the highest donation amount per capita.Multilateral aid is increasingly becoming an important way of international assistance to Africa.The African Development Bank plays an increasingly important role in African development.Private companies and philanthropic foundations participated in the international assistance to Africa.The unique identities and backgrounds enabled their aid to Africa to go into the deeper levels.The assistance and cooperation from emerging countries are becoming an important non-traditional source.Not only from the absolute amount,but also from the relative proportion,aid for trade has become an increasingly important emerging aid modality.The interaction and cooperation within the continent of Africa are increasingly frequent,and all of these are fueling the confidence of Africa in future development.
Key words:Foreign aid,African development,New trends
New Trends ofAfrican Agriculture Development and Food Issues(2012—2013)
Author:Zhang Zhe was born in 1971.She was graduated from DongBei University of Finance and Economic.She is now an associate professor at the Institute of African Studies in ZJNU.Her research areas include African economy and trade,African regional economy and regional trade,and African agriculture development.
Abstract:About 59%of African are agricultural population,52%of economic activity population engage in agriculture,therefore,the agriculture in African countries plays a significant role and has an important strategic position in the course of development.Agriculture development can boost African countries economic growth,increase the income of the people and improve people's living standard,reduce poverty and improve the food security.Sub-Saharan Africa is unable to sustain its present economic resurgence unless it eliminates the hunger that affects nearly a quarter of its population,the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)pointed out in the newly released“Africa Human Development Report 2012:Towards a Food Secure Future”on May 15,2013.Thus,vigorously develop agriculture production especially the planting of food crops,has great significance to poverty reduction,stability maintenance and the sustained growth of African economy.
Key words:Agricultural production,Food security,Economic development
Review and Outlook:The Development of Stock Markets of Africa(2012—2013)
Author:Zhang Xiaofeng,PhD in Economics,associate research fellow at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.His research areas include African finance and investment cooperation between China and Africa.
Abstract:In 2012,African stock markets generally remained stable and the performance was outstanding among global emerging markets.All these benefited from the slow recovery of global and local economies.In 2013,African stock markets will continue to deepen the integration process and vigorously strengthen the financial infrastructure construction.The emerging markets will promote the use of electronic trading and clearing systems.Meanwhile,the stock markets will take more effective measures to actively cultivate institutional investors and to attract foreign investments.We believe that,African stock markets are going to have better performance in 2013 along with the economic growth in this continent.
Key words:African stock markets,Review,Outlook
Report on Intra-Trade and External Trade inAfrica(2012—2013)
Author:Sun Zhina,PhD in Economics,lecturer of China-Africa International Business School at Zhejiang Normal University.Her main research area is international trade.
Abstract:This paper uses data to quantificationally and comprehensively analyze the international trade in Africa,from the perspectives of the overall international trade,intra-trade and external trade in Africa.The results show that international trade in Africa has grown robustly in recent years.However,in order to better play the driving role of the international trade for Africa's economy,some problems including unduly single export structure,small portion in world trade,as well as the low level of internal trade,shall be solved gradually.
Key words:Africa,Intra-trade,External trade
Development Report onAfrica's Renewable Energy(2012—2013)
Author:Zhang Yonghong,professor of Institute of International Studies,Yun Nan University.His research areas include African development issues,Sino-African relations,South-South cooperation,and North-South relations.
Abstract:Today,global investment in renewable energy is greater than in fossil energy and the renewable energy costs has decreased continuously.These will pave the way for the integration of international capital & technologies and local resources and markets,and thus drive African renewable energy development.But the development of Africa's renewable energy is obstructed by small-scale,unbalance development and weak institutional mechanism.It is necessary to set out new development objectives for African countries to grasp the opportunities of renewable energy revolution such as renewable energy development strategy,structural adjustment strategy,breakup of monopoly,appropriate use of off-grid power generation system and risk countermeasures,etc.
Key Words:Africa,Renewable energy,Development transformation
Development Report on Africa's Traffic Infrastructure Construction(2012—2013)
Author:Huang Xinmin,associate professor and Director of program(Traffic and Transportation),Xingzhi College,Zhejiang Normal University,as well as adjunct researcher of the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.His main research interests include transportation planning and management,and the traffic in Africa.
Abstract:In the past few years,the overall political situation in Africa has become stable,the economy in this continent has made steady development,and the social security has improved somewhat,which created favorable conditions for attracting investments to Africa's economy.African countries have introduced African traffic infrastructure construction planning in succession,to accelerate the pace of traffic infrastructure construction,and to promote African countries' internal and external trade and economic exchanges.In 2012,the following four things became the new trends affecting the development of African traffic infrastructure construction,i.e.FOCAC boosted the construction of African traffic infrastructure,President Xi's first visit to Africa advanced the construction,Western myth regarding China's involvement in the construction,and various countries have paid attention to the construction.African states shall draw on the experiences of other countries and take effective initiatives based on their own national conditions,to advance the development of the construction,which will contribute to the construction of African integration and thus promote the economic development of Africa.
Key words:China,Africa,Transportation infrastructure,Current situation,New trends,Suggestion
Report on Africa Land Resources Development(2012—2013)
Author:Liang Yijian,PhD,research associate at the Center for African Studies,Yunnan University,Kunming,China,whose research field is sustainable development of Africa,China-Africa economic and trade cooperation.E-mail:liangyijian@live.com.
Abstract:Africa is a continent with vast land.The land is the basis of economic development,especially for developing regions such as Africa.But agricultural development in Africa was not successful.The geographical conditions of the African continent is not good:continental plateau,a large area of the desert,the poor condition of the soil,limited arable land,and most of the land in a serious water shortage.In recent years,the proportion of arable land in total land area of Africa is below the world average,and arable land per person decreased rapidly.This report analyzes the changes in the last 50 years of arable land in Africa,and argues that Africa needs to combine capital,technology and the advantages of African land resources under the existing conditions,increase agricultural productivity and then improve the sales price of these products,and strive to achieve food self-sufficiency,to promote the diversification of cash crops for export.
Key words:Africa,Land resources,Arable land
South African Economic Development Report(2012—2013)
Author:Wang Xia,PhD in Economics,a lecture of China-Africa International Business School at Zhejiang Normal University.
Abstract:The report reviews the background of South African economic development in 2012 from following three aspects:global economic situation,domestic structural constraint and the New Growth Path,then reports and analyzes South African economic development according to the statistical data of South African gross domestic product in the fourth quarter of 2012 released by South African National Bureau of Statistics,from the perspective of industrial contributions to GDP growth,thus clearly sets up the structure of economic growth in South Africa.This report also analyzes the overall situation of the international trade and investment in 2012,according to the statistical data of the current account and financial account of quarterly report released by Reserve Bank of South Africa in 2012.
Key words:Structural constraint,New Growth Path,GDP growth,Industrial contribution,Current account,Financial account
Implementation of Millennium Development Goals in Africa(2012—2013)
Author:Niu Changsong,PhD in Education,associate research fellow at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University,Her research areas include higher education in Southern Africa,Sino-African education cooperation,educational aid to Africa,African education and social development.
Abstract:With only two years left before the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)target date of 2015,the international communities have begun to discuss the post-2015 development agenda.Similarly,the African continent is planning post-2015 Africa's priorities,which are grounded in Africa's experiences and lessons learnt from the MDGs.Africa has made steady progress on several indicators,including primary school enrolment,the proportion of seats held by women in national parliament,HIV/AIDS prevalence rates and the share of women in non-agricultural employment.However,it is unlikely that Africa achieves all the targets by 2015.The African continent still faces many problems and challenges.The quality of service delivery is a particular concern.The issues of social inequality and youth unemployment remain great trouble in Africa.The economic,social and environmental sustainability and inclusive growth are still vulnerable.The MDGs experience is characterized by persistent variations in performance across sub-regional and national jurisdictions.North Africa performs better than sub-Saharan Africa on most MDGs.From Africa's performance on MDGs,Africa should give priority to human and institutional capacities and technological innovation to achieve peace,equality,inclusive growth and sustainability.
Key words:Africa,Millennium Development Goals,Implementation
African Development Report on Poverty Alleviation(2012—2013)
Author:An Chunying is Senior Editor,Institute of West-Asian and African Studies(IWAAS),Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,whose research field is African economy,poverty reduction,and sustainable development issues.
Abstract:How to alleviate poverty efficiently is one of fundamental challenges faced by African countries,and substantial reason which caused all kinds of internal conflicts.Owing to the model of non pro-poor economic growth,the low agricultural growth rate,over-wide inequality between the poor and the rich,and high population growth,above of them seriously weakens the link between economic growth and poverty alleviation.Actually,Africa experiences a decline in the poverty rate in recent years.However,its overall progress of poverty alleviation is too slow.When the post-2015 agenda is coming,African countries need to show their concern over the new change of international poverty reduction theory and its practice,and focus on national situation in order to search for the way toward massive poverty alleviation.
Key Words:Africa,Economic growth,Poverty alleviation,Millennium Development Goals
African Culture Industries Development Report(2012—2013)
Author:Jiang Jun,associate research fellow at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.His research areas include the history and culture studies of African,especially Nigerian ethnic groups.
Abstract:On the whole,African cultural industries are still in a lower level of development,and at the end and edge in the world industry chain.The production and trade of cultural products mostly occur in the informal economic sphere and few countries can provide accurate statistical data.Since the 21st century,African countries have gradually realized the promoting role and development potential of the cultural industries in the development of national economy.With the help and support of UNESCO,the UN conference on trade and development,International Labor Organization and some developed nations,African countries have held a large number of international purposeful conferences,discussing a great number of issues concerning cultural industries and making many effective policies based on the issues in question,in order to encourage and push the development of its own national cultural industries.With repeated efforts,African cultural industries are steadily pushing ahead,however,in order to get a real boom in their cultural industries,African countries still have a long way to go,for a low start and weak foundation.
Key Words:Africa,Cultural industries,Development
Annual Report on African Population and Employment(2012—2013)
Author:Chen Mingkun,was born in 1963,PhD in Education,professor and Deputy Director of Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University.His research areas include the studies of vocational education and African education.
Liang Shuai,a postgraduate student ofCollege of Education at Zhejiang Normal University,majoring in comparative adult education.
Abstract:The working-age population in African is growing rapidly and accounts for a great proportion of total population structure.Thus,the employment pressure is difficult to alleviate in a short time.Meanwhile,the human development index in Sub-Saharan Africa is still low,and the development of education and human resources is quite difficult.Since 2011,there is unrest in some countries in North Africa,which has seriously influenced the sustainable development of economy.The problem of unemployment especially among college graduates becomes more prominent and has hindered the healthy development of economy and society.Sub-Saharan Africa's economy has maintained a higher growth rate in the recent ten years,but the pace of the structure adjustment has been slow,and excess number of people engage in agricultural production.As a result,many African countries and international organizations have made positive efforts in order to solve the employment problem and finally received obvious effects.For example,Rwanda had successfully resolved the employment and social integration for former militants and the World Bank adjusted its aid direction towards Africa,etc.
Key words:Human development index,Economic growth,Unemployment rate,Industrial structure,Youth employment
Development Report on African Media(2012—2013)
Author:Long Xiaonong,associate professor of the Institute of Communication Studies at Communication University of China,contract research fellow at Africa Center for Media Studies.His research fields include China's communication strategy towards Africa,mass communication and international relations,etc.
Abstract:In the era of economy and communication globalization,Africa is still the continent with the lowest level of media development.Since 21st century,the diffusion of information and communication technologies,the increasing growth of African economy and the increasing progress of urbanization,have given great impetus to the development of African media.In Africa,The number and circulation of newspapers and periodicals ascend with stable state; the number of news agencies keeps steady,some news agencies are transforming into modern media group through the up-to-date technologies; the penetration and coverage of Radio and TV have grown increasingly,Radio and TV are adopting the digital technologies; Internet and its users grow quickly,and these give the new opportunity for Africa from the margin to the core of New World Information and Communication Order.
Key words:Africa,Newspaper and periodicals,News agencies,Radio and TV,Internet
Development Situation of African Urbanization(2012—2013)
Author:Che Xiaomei,PhD in History,teacher at College of History and Tourism Culture,Shan Xi Normal University.
Li Jing,PhD candidate at School of Humanities,Xia Men University,majoring in world history.
Abstract:The Africa urbanization was developed with the political stability and economic development in 2012.Its perspective is not optimistic.The urban growth rate is declining.However,the pace of urbanization development is still growing rapidly.The primal urban population has been grown rapidly,and urban-rural difference is still obvious.The structure of urban population is characterized by rejuvenation.The main impediment to development of urbanization is housing shortage,unemployment and poverty,and frequent natural disasters.The trends of African urbanization are that larger cities' relatively importance will begin to decline,with the faster growth occurring in medium and small cities,and transnational urban corridors will be the inevitable tendency to the development of regional urbanization in Africa,while the climate change will have negative impacts on the safety of African cities.
Key words:Africa,Urbanization,Situation
Development Report on African Women(2012—2013)
Author:Rui Jufen,Swahili language lecturer,Director of the Department of Swahili Language in the School of the Asian & African Studies in Tianjin Foreign Studies University.
Abstract:Women's development is one of the key issues of global concern and is reflected in every aspect of politics,economics,education,marriage,and health.In 2012,African women's issues presented the following characteristics:first,relevant laws and regulations of protecting women's rights and interests have been further improved; second,the number of women in politics and in domestic and international organizations is increasing,and the proportion of female leadership in decision-making positions continues to increase; third,the women's awareness of liberation is increasing ceaselessly,and the increasingly close relationships have been established with international organizations for women.These situations show that African women further define their values in the process of self-improvement.With the promotion of women's individual value,their social value has been recognized more and more widely.
Key words:Feminism,Africa Human rights
Development Report on African Children(2012—2013)
Author:Zheng Suhua,associate research fellow at Children's Culture Research Institute,Zhejiang Normal University.
Abstract:For example,“Save Africa's Children”founded in 2001 by Charles E.Blake,whose headquarters is located in Los Angeles,is dedicated to support orphans,vulnerable children,poor children and children with AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean.Since African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of childbegan to take effect,survival,development and protection on African children attracts more and more attention.To be notable,in order to cope with the challenges children in Africa are facing,in recent years the biennial“The International Policy Conference on the African Child”(IPC)has become a channel for African children to make policy dialogues and to promote African children welfare system.In May 2004,the theme of the first conference is“African children and families”.In May 2012,from 29th to 30th,in Addis Ababa,the fifth meeting was held and the conference theme is“international adoption:choice and dispute”,which focused on the adoption issues of African children and possible child abuse and neglect issues caused by lack of regulation.This concern shows new changes on African children's health,education,rights protection,the natural and social environment and other aspects.
Key words:Africa,Children,Health,Education,Rights and interests
Report on African Development of TVET(2012—2013)
Author:Li Yuqiu,PhD in Education.He was graduated from Beijing Normal University in 2011.His research areas include African education and Sino-African relations.He is now a lecturer at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.Email:liyuqiu@zjnu.cn.
Abstract:It was important for the development of the technical and vocational education and training in Africa in 2012.It embodied the strategic,integrated,market-oriented and legalized traits.In that year,Kenya released the Qualifications Framework Bill and The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Bill.Ghana also released Education Strategic Plan 2010-2020 including the grand strategic plan about technical and vocational education and training.
Key words:Africa,Technical and vocational education and training,Kenya,Ghana
Development Report on the Competitiveness of African Universities(2012—2013)
Author:Zhou Zhifa,PhD in Education,assistant research fellow at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.His research areas include African education and politics.
Abstract:Academic Rankings of World Universities,Times Higher Education World University Rankings,Quacquarelli Symonds and Webometrics Rankings of World Universities have shown the competitiveness of African universities in the world.No matter what kind of university evaluation system is adopted,the competitiveness of African universities is not comparable with the universities in developed countries.Compared with universities in developing countries,African universities as a whole lack competitiveness.Only several universities in South Africa,Egypt and a few other countries can compete with those in major developing countries.
Key words:African universities,Competitiveness,Academic Rankings of World University,Times Higher Education World University Rankings,Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings,Webometrics Rankings of World Universities
Report on BuildingChina's Soft Power in Africa(2012—2013)
Author:Liu Guijin is Dean of China-Africa International Business School at Zhejiang Normal University,Chairman of Asia-Africa Society of China and Vice President of China Committee of World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council.
Abstract:The purposes of building China's soft power in Africa are to expand Chinese influences,to enhance China-Africa friendship,to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation,and to pursue common development,rather than to seek for privileges or hegemonies.The building of China's soft power in Africa has achieved remarkable effects reflected on attraction of China's development ways,China's policy towards Africa,China-Africa economic and trade cooperation and China's public diplomacy towards Africa.However,the building of China's soft power in Africa is also confronted with many challenges,such as going to Africa without full preparations for chaotic situation,Africa's own changes and interference from west.In view of this,the building of China's soft power in Africa needs to improve strategic planning towards Sino-African relations,work out a comprehensive plan about China's public diplomacy towards Africa,reduce the impacts of interference from western big powers and popularize knowledge about Africa in China.
Key words:China,Africa,Soft power,Effects,Challenges
Current Situation and Prospect of China-Africa Exchanges of Experience of Governance and Development(2012—2013)
Author:Luo Jianbo,associate professor of the International Institute for Strategic Studies,Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C(CCPS),Director of Research Office of China's Diplomacy and Director of Department of African Studies at CCPS.His research fields cover Sino-African relations,African integration,African politics and security,China's aid to Africa,soft power and state image,etc.
Abstract:The year of 2012 witnessed the continuous development of China-Africa exchanges of experience of governance and development.China announced it will implement“African Talents Program”to strengthen the support for Africa's human resource development and capacity building,especially the exchanges of experience of governance and development.Relevant departments of Chinese government,Chinese universities and research institutes actively participate in holding workshops on human resource and international symposiums,as well as conduct joint researches and academic exchanges in a longer term,to promote the in-depth development of the exchanges.This kind of exchanges not only contributes to cultivate mutual trust between Chinese and African people,deepen Sino-African cooperation,but also can fundamentally promote the development and renaissance of African states,expand implications and forms of South-South Cooperation in new era.Thus it shall have broad development prospect.
Key words:Governance,Development experience,Exchanges,Current situation,Prospect
The Latest Development in China-Africa Cooperation in Peace and Security(2012—2013)
Author:Sheng Hongsheng,PhD in Law,he is a professor of international law at the School of Law and Politics,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University.From April 2004 to April 2005,he has been working for the United Nations as a military expert on Mission for MONUC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,as the team leader of the United Nations Military Observers in the field,and then as a senior liaison officer at the MONUC headquarters,and was appointed the Chairman of an Independent Board of Inquiry to review four international criminal cases as well.His academic interests are focused on African studies,international security,international law,international organizations,international humanitarian law,international criminal justice and international maritime law.
Abstract:The year of 2011 saw profound and complex changes of peace and security in Africa,with the co-existence of challenges and opportunities.Great effort has been taken by international community as a whole to help achieve peace and security in Africa,and amongst which fruitful developments and critical achievements have been attained in China-Africa cooperation in peace and security.In general the major channel for the cooperation in question focused on China's participation in peacekeeping operations undertaken by either the United Nations or the African Union.At the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)in Beijing on July 2012,Chinese President recommended measures in five primary domains to support peace and development in Africa and to promote neo-partnership of strategic implication between China and Africa.At the same conference,China and African countries pledged to ensure the full implementation of the proposals enshrined in the Beijing Action Plan(2013-2015).Among the four destination states for states visits by the newly elected Chinese President,three are African States,and this reveals the crucial importance of relations between China and Africa.Based on the case study of hijacked workers in Sudan,positive impacts and problems in China-Africa cooperation have been embodied by convincing facts.On a whole,the fundaments for peace and security in Africa states are yet weak,and there are setbacks occurring in political and security situations for a great many African states frequently.Furthermore,China-Africa cooperation has also been affected by interference from outside factors.However,China-Africa cooperation in peace and security fields is set on a“win-win”basis and it is two-way cooperation,from which China has also benefited.On the one hand,Africa needs the cooperation to attain peace and development; on the other hand,however,China also needs the cooperation to achieve further development as well.
Key words:China,Africa,Peace and security,Cooperation
A Preliminary Assessment of Contributions of Sino-African Cooperation on African Economic Development(2012—2013)
Author:Zhang Chun,Deputy Director of Research Center for West Asian and African Studies,Shanghai Institute for International Studies,and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of“Global Review”.
Abstract:There is a trend that tends to simplify Sino-African cooperation to economic relations,which underestimates the complexity and comprehension of the influence of this relationship on African economic development.The author tries to re-evaluate the contributions by this cooperation on African economic development through the lens of African development situations,concludes that China is a stabilizer of African crisis,a supporter of African transition,and a facilitator of African sustainable development.Such an approach is more comprehensive with potential of avoiding falling into the trap of Western discursive framework and of exploring the fundamental theoretical implications of this relationship.
Key words:Sino-African cooperation,Economic development,Contribution,Assessment
NewProgress in Sino-African Inter-Party Exchanges and Cooperation(2012—2013)
Author:Zhou Guohui,Division Director of the Bureau of African Affairs,International Department,Central Committee of CPC.
Abstract:2012 was a key year for Sino-African relations to inherit the past and usher in the future,carry forward the cause and forge ahead into the future.The Fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC was successfully held in Beijing.Chinese Communist Party and governing parties of many African countries convened their own national party congresses,and new leaderships were elected which provides great opportunity for Chinese and African political parties to strengthen their exchanges and cooperation at the new starting point.Although turmoil still existed in some north African countries,such as Egypt and Syria; new Islamist party came to power or is getting stronger; more than 10 Sub-Saharan African states including Angola,Sierra Leone,Ghana and DRC held national or local elections,and many ruling parties encountered failure in general elections; regime changes took place in Senegal,Malawi and Lesotho,etc.,and the realignment and regrouping of parties were intensified,African party's ruling pattern is still stable as a whole.Exchanges between Chinese and African political parties have been continuously expanded and developed,and unique roles and advantages of these exchanges have been further reflected in Sino-African relations.
Key word:China,Africa,Contacts between political parties,2012
Development Report on Sino-African Cooperation in Technology(2012—2013)
Author:Dr.Liu Qinghai is an assistant research fellow at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University(IASZNU).Her research interests include Sino-African investment cooperation and technology cooperation.
Abstract:Sino-African cooperation in technology has been developing steadily since 2012.Through a variety ways,Chinese government continues to help African countries to improve their technical level,including the areas of agriculture,population and development,medical care and health,new energy,telecommunication,construction etc,with the characteristics of wide range of fields covered,diverse forms used,enterprise participation increased.It has played big roles in poverty reduction,the development of industry,agriculture,telecommunication and new energy,as well as the improvement of the transport infrastructure in Africa.But,on the whole,Sino-African cooperation in technology is still in the growth stage.Its scale and influence especially long-term impacts are not great,and it still has much room for improvement in early-stage preparations,long-term planning,cooperation channels,supervision mechanism and so on.
Key words:China,Africa,Technical cooperation
Report on Consular Protection of Chinese Citizens inAfrica(2012—2013)
Author:Xia Liping is a professor and Deputy Dean of the Department of Diplomacy,China Foreign Affairs University.Her research interests focus on consular affairs and overseas Chinese,diplomatic history of contemporary China.She is also the member of the Council of China Association of African Studies and Asia-Africa Development and Exchange Society of China.
Abstract:During this period,three security risks which Chinese citizens in Africa took are:social public order problems such as robbery,theft and kidnapping; risks generated by improper behaviors of overseas Chinese themselves; and unstable situations caused by general elections or coup d'état.Chinese embassies and consulates in Africa have taken various means to improve the consular early warning system and the crisis management system.However,in order to provide powerful guarantee for the security of Chinese nationals in African countries,a three-party joint mechanism including Chinese embassies and consulates,overseas Chinese communities,and local law enforcement department should be established,moreover,Chinese national's awareness of obeying law should be strengthened.Regarding the future development of China's consular protection in Africa,intertwining of interests between China and African countries provides challenges as well as opportunities in the field of consular protection.Chinese local governments will play a more and more important role in the protection process.
Key words:Consular protection,Africa,Chinese nationals,2012,2013
Development Report on Chinese Culture and Confucius Institute in Africa(2012—2013)
Author:Zhou Haijin is an associate research fellow at the Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University.Her research interests focus on African religion,African culture,and China-Africa exchanges and cooperation.
Abstract:In 2012,China-Africa cultural exchanges and cooperation has been promoted based on the consolidation of traditional cooperation.China-Africa cultural exchanges and cooperation have obtained vigorous development and fruitful results:“China-Africa Cultural Cooperation Partnership Program”has been continuously developed and improved; African Cultural Industry Park eventually settled in Beijing,which will provide an important platform for China-Africa cultural exchanges and cooperation.The first FOCAC Cultural Ministers' Forum was held in Beijing and achieved fruitful outcomes.The Second Meeting of CATTF has advanced the exchanges and cooperation among academic institutions and scholars.In 2013 and even in the next 3 years,according to the spirits of the Fifth FOCAC Ministerial Conference and“Beijing Action Plan”,the Ministry of Culture will actively carry out civilization dialogue and promote mutual learning of the cultures between China and Africa on the basis of respecting each other's cultural uniqueness,and thus to make contributions to the development and prosperity of the diversification of Chinese and African cultures.In the future,the focuses on the China-Africa exchanges and cooperation are as follows:both sides will continue to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation,maintain the momentum of high-level inter-governmental mutual visits and dialogue in the culture field,continue to push on the implementation of China-Africa bilateral government cultural agreements,and further expand the influences of the event of“Culture in Focus”,etc.,thus providing spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the stable and sustainable development of future Sino-African relations.
Key Words:China,Africa,Cultural cooperation,2012
Report on African Diasporas inChina(2012—2013)
Author:Gong Sujuan,female,was born in 1966 in Yiwu,Zhejiang Province.Ms.Gong is now an associate professor and Director of the International Office of Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College.She is also Dean of the School of International Education and Director of Yiwu Center,the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University(IASZNU).Her research areas include international education and intercultural communication.
Li Haiqing,male,was born in 1981 inChibi,Hubei Province.Li is now a lecturer of Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College.
Abstract:The number of Africans in China has made a remarkable comeback in 2012 due to the stabilization of the previous unrest.In 2012,China received 524.9 thousand Africans,a 7.38% increase based on 488.8 thousand in 2011.In 2012,Africans in Yiwu got a raise of 17%.It is estimated that Africans in China has reached 100 thousand,which are mainly constituted of traders,students,professionals,diplomats or other official representatives from Africa,among which about 30%,or 27,052,are students.They live in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Yiwu and other cities,with a distribution pattern of“concentrated in some cities and widely distributed in the whole country”.With China's assistance to Africa shifting from a“blood transfer”approach to“blood generation”and“blood transfer”coexistence approach,Sino-African trade is expected to maintain favorable balance in a comprehensive way.The number of Africans in China will witness steady increase and Africans in China will expect a more comfortable life in the future with China's perfecting of its immigrant policies.Africans in China will play more active roles in Sino-African relations.
Key words:African Diasporas in China,“Three Kinds of Illegal Status of Foreigners”,African Products Exhibition & Trade Center