Over the 40 years of reform and opening-up,China has proved to be one of the fastest countries in the human being development field in the world. President Xi Jinping said in his congratulatory letter to the Beijing Human Rights Forum that China has insisted on the combination of universal principles of human rights and Chinese realities and has created a China’s path of human rights development based on China’s national conditions. The Chinese Communist Party’s leadership is crucial for Chinese human rights gains. Led by the Chinese Communist Party and China’s Government,China has realized its economic and social progresses. With the advocating of the China Dream,China’s realization of the ideals of development and human rights enters a new era. The year of 1978 marked the beginning of China’s reform and opening-up,and was also the new starting point for Chinese human rights cause and the Chinese relation with the outside world. China has attached more and more significance to the rule of law and human rights. It has continuously strengthened the constitutional protection of human rights,including integration of a specific human rights clause in the Constitution. The building of the legal system for human rights protection is basically completed,with many legislative breakthroughs and implementation measures. The drafting and adoption of the national human rights action plans is in response to the United Nations’ appeal,and makes the Chinese human rights cause a planned and quick development track. China is becoming more active in the international human rights cooperation field,playing its unique and constructive role and serving as the participant,builder and contributor of the international human rights governance.