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Chapter 13 Negotiations Staff Who to Bring 谈判组员的筛选
For Your Information
The reason you go to a negotiation is because you're unwilling to accept the price asked, and you believe it's possible to do better. That means you're there to win.Never go to a negotiation before you learn everything you can about who you're dealing with.Only then will you know who to bring.
中译 通常需要谈判是因为你不愿意接受对方提出的价格,你认为价格应该可以更好。也就是说,你去谈判是为了要赢。在你去谈判之前,一定要确定谈判对手的所有资料,只有这样,你才会知道该带什么样的人一起去。
If you're meeting with a new buyer or source, you should call around to your competitor and ask them if they've ever had dealings with them. The odds are someone in the area you know has dealt with them before, and they are usually happy to fll you in on what they're like.
中译 如果你和新买主或供应商会面,你应该打电话给同行竞争者,询问他们是否和这些人打过交道。很可能在你认识的人中就有人曾经和他们做过生意,这些人通常会很乐意告诉你,这些新买主或供应商是怎样的人。
If you can't find out what they're like from someone in the area, you can try checking with old contacts in the same area as your new one. It's very seldom you can't find out anything about a new business contact, if you put a little effort into it.It's also a bad sign about the contactif you can’t fnd out anything about them, unless they’re a new company.
中译 如果在你当地打听不出来这些人的底细,你可以试着联系一些他们的老客户。通常只要你稍微努力一下,应该都可以找到一些关于这个新买主或供应商的资料。如果你找不到任何与他们有关的资料,这通常不是个好现象,除非对方是一家新公司。
If the word is they're sweethearts to work with, you should be okay with a minimal team, maybe a single representative is enough. However, if the word is bad, or if you can't fnd out anything on the new company, the safest thing is to prepare for the worst.Show up at the meeting loaded for bear, but how much you wring is up to you and your budget.
中译 如果你打听到他们是很好的合作对象,你只要带一些人去参加议价谈判就够了,甚至只要带一个代表去就可以了。但若你听说对方挺难缠的,或找不到任何有关这家新公司的资料,那么最保险的做法是:预先想好最糟的打算,做好万全的准备,严阵以待,但要做多少让步就要看你自己和你的预算。
When the negotiation is a deal between old friends, you don't need any coaching from me, aside from the idiom definitions in the companion volume to this book, which should come in handy. However, if you're expecting things to get hot, you'll need the information in here.
中译 当议价谈判发生在老朋友之间时,你不需要我的教导,你只要读读本系列的成语解说即可,派上用场。但若谈判相当激烈,你就需要这里的指导信息了。
That's about as bad as it can get. If you choose thesmart defense, you should bring the right people.You're going to need a world of information at your fingertips, but you're also going to have to pay to get and keep them there.If the meeting is across town, then the expenses are no big deal.If it's across the ocean, then you want to get the best bang for your buck.You need the most information you can get crammed into the fewest people possible.True, these are give away chips the other side doesn't expect to win, but that’s not the point.You’re being tested, and how well you do will determine how they treat you, later on.
中译 事情应该不会比这个更糟。如果你选择以聪明的方式回应对方,你应该要带适当的人一起去。你会需要许多即时信息,但带这些人一起去是需要花钱的。如果谈判会议是在同一个城市,那么花费就不会很大。但若谈判会议需要漂洋过海,你就必须确定花下去的钱,可以达到最大功效。你带的人数需要精简,但资料却要很多。的确,你会有一些虚晃用的筹码,让对方招架不住,但这不是重点。重点是对方会试探你,你的应对方式如何,将决定他们之后对待你的方式。
If you stand your ground in the meeting, you'll greatly increase their opinion of you, and they'll be less likely to try to trick you. If you check with your offce for answers to most questions, they won't respect you or the company that sent you.If you show up with the answers, in yourself or a team of experts ready to answer every demand with solid information, they'll respect you and your company.
中译 如果你在会议中立场坚定,会加深对方对你的印象,他们不会想和你玩花招。如果大部分的问题,你都要向公司请示才能回答,对方就不会尊重你或你的公司。反之,你或你所带领的专业人士,可以应付对方提出的问题,并给予详细资料,他们就会尊重你和你的公司。If you’re attending a sales meeting, it doesn’t matter which side of the deal you’re on.You’ll need the background information on both companies and the product.You’ll need to know about other similar products, their reliability, availability and price.Also, you need to have reasons for why you’re dealing with them, and not the others.If you’re selling them a product, the most important information you’ll need is a comprehensive market study for the ware they sell and what they will buy from you.
中译 参加销售会议时,你代表哪一方并不重要。因为你需要两家公司的背景,包括产品资料;你需要知道其他类似的产品、可靠性、可得性及价格。同时,你必须清楚你为什么要和对方打交道,而不和其他商家做生意。如果你要把产品卖给对方,你需要的最重要信息,就是一个全面性的市场报告:知道他们卖哪些产品、他们可能跟你买什么产品。
If one properly prepared man or woman is enough, then there's no reason to send more. I suggest assigning a team to gather the information and brief your representative before he or she leaves the offce.
中译 若一位准备周全的代表出席就够了,那就不必多派人手。我建议事先指派一小组负责收集资料,再请他们向指定代表报告,让代表知道所有细节资料后,再赴谈判场。
Showing up with a team of people is mostly an intimidation tactic. It's unnecessary, unless your intention is to impress or intimidate the other side.The team method is usually reserved for union contracts and political negotiations.For a sales meeting, two or three people are more than enough.The steamroller from a high powerteam is ineffective against a well prepared, confident, man or woman.
中译 带一组人员参加谈判会议,通常是向对方施压的计策。除非你就是要吓唬对方,让他们印象深刻,否则这是没有必要的。小组谈判通常都留到工会合约,或政治谈判时才用。对销售会议来说,两三个人就绰绰有余了。想要拿高阶小组的声势,来压倒一个准备周全、有自信的谈判代表,这种做法并不会奏效。
Dialog 1
The first dialog shows a well-prepared woman, Lilly, at a sales meeting selling computer sound cards. She's up against a team, led by Hank representing the buyer.This is the first time these companies are dealing with each other, so the buyer is going to try to overwhelm Lilly to get a better deal.Lilly is alone and all other characters at the meeting work for the buyer.
Hank:All right, Lilly, we've been getting a good product and excellent service from our regular supplier. Why should we buy from you?
Lilly:Our sound cards are just as good;in fact, they're made by the same company that makes the unit you're using now. My service is just as good,maybe better.Give me a chance, and I'll prove it.I'll give you the service like……
Hank:Service is the least of our concerns. Because of the volume we deal in, we've always gotten the best service.
Lilly:I can do better. I can get you the same sound card you're buying now for less than 50%of your current price if you don't mind using the manufacturer's own brand name.
Jack:We can get that from our old people as well. We prefer using the well-known brand name.Our customers like it.
Lilly:Okay, I've got two answers for you. First, I can give you the name brand for two or three percent less than you're currently paying.
Second, a recent market study in the U. S.shows most end users don't care whose sound card you use so long as it works.
And these cards work. You know that.I sent you five units for testing, and if they didn't perform Iwouldn't be standing here.
Jane:Who did this study you just referred to, and when?
Lilly:Just a minute, I have it right here.
Lilly opens an indexed fle, pulls out a group of stapled papers and hands them to the person seated next to her.
Lilly:These are copies of the study. I have one for everyone.Take one and pass on the rest, please.
As you can see, it was done by a well-known professional market research company.
If you have questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
But I recommend you go to the source and call the people that did the study. Their names and contact person is on the last page.
Sam:Look!We've got a winner right now. Why shouldwe drop them and go with you?
Lilly:Because I can deliver you the service. Jimmy Lee at World Components is a good man, I know him well, but he's gotten fat off of customers like you, and he doesn't work as hard as he used to.
Sam:Why do you say that?
Lilly:We're in the same business, buying from the same source, but my prices are better.
A customer like you should get the best price right off the bat. You shouldn't have to call him and ask what happened here.
Why is my price better than his?He's not really trying any more. If you give me an order today, I'll deliver them at the price in my proposal, not a cent more.
Dialog 2
This dialog is a continuation of the first except now Lilly answers questions she can't look up the answers to.
Hank:Well, Lilly, before we even think about making an order, I have some more questions for you.
Lilly:Fire away.
Hank:There's no doubt you did your homework. If anything, you seem to have done it a little too well.
Lilly:What do you mean, Hank?
Hank:Where the heck did you get all this data on us?Why do you know what we're paying to another supplier?Do we have a leak in our company?
Lilly:I'm not prepared to name my source, but I can assure you it wasn't from anyone in your company.
Hank:So you have a source at World components?
Lilly:That is a good guess, but I'm not going to confrm or deny it. I'm only going to say the leak isn't here, in your company.
Jane:I have a question. Why did you know about thisstudy when Jimmy didn't?
Lilly:I'm pretty sure Jimmy knew about it.
My guess is his commission is based on gross sales and he makes more if you stay with the name brand.
But that's just a guess, I really don't know the answer.
Hank:Very well done, Lilly. Thank you for your time.
We have some talking to do and we'll give you a call at the hotel tonight or tomorrow morning.
Lilly:Okay, I'll stay available if you have any questions. You have my cell phone.
谈判停看听 I’ve been in meetings like this.The other side was openly hostile and very antagonistic.But I stood my ground, didn’t lose my temper, apologized for giving them bad news but not for anything I did.And I answered every question without hesitation or delay.I reviewed the meeting agenda and had everything ready for them.My preparation was better than what they were used to.I knew my business and I knew my product, and by the end of themeeting, they were eating out of my hand.They remained my clients for as long as I was in the business.
中译 我曾经参加过这种类型的会议,对方的敌意很明显,但我坚持自己的立场,没有发脾气。给他们的回复不够好时,我会道歉,但只是因为答案不好,而不是因为我个人。在回答问题时,我不会迟疑或延误。我会事先看过会议议程,准备他们可能需要的资料,我的准备总是比对方期望的还要详细。我非常了解我的行业,也熟悉我的产品。在会议结束时,他们简直对我赞叹不已,后来我还在这一行时,他们也一直都是我的客户。
Vocabulary 重要词汇
bang 大赚一笔
cram 填塞
representative 代表
intimidation 威胁;不安
steamroller 强硬手段
indexed 索引的
stapled 钉好的
commission 佣金
hostile 有敌意的
antagonistic 敌对的
stand one's ground 坚持立场
delay 延迟
eat out of one's hand 言听计从