Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the legal terms given below and change the form if necessary.
prosecute punitive damages probable cause felony strict liability defense homicide misdemeanor causation infamous crime
1. At common law, the________ is a crime for which part of the penalty was infamy, so that one who committed it would be declared ineligible to serve on a jury, hold public office, or testify; examples are perjury, treason, and fraud.
2. In some criminal cases, there may not be a specific victim. For example, state governments arrest and ________people accused of violating laws against driving while intoxicated because society regards that as a serious offense that can result in harm to others.
3. In cases in which it is proved that a defendant has acted willfully, maliciously, or fraudulently, a plaintiff may be awarded ________in addition to compensatory or actual damages.
4. ________for search or seizure with or without search warrant involves probabilities which are not technical but factual and practical considerations of every day life upon which reasonable and prudent men act, and its essence is reasonable ground for belief of guilt.
5. ________statute imposes criminal sanction for an unlawful act without requiring a showing of criminal intent.
6. While duress deals with psychological pressure applied by another person, the ________of necessity involves the effects of physical circumstances on a defendant's will.
7. An intervening act can“break the chain”of________ .Whether it will depends in most situations on whether it was a coincidence unrelated to the defendant's actions or a response to the actions of the defendant.
8. If any death occurs during the commission of a________ ,the defendant committing it can be convicted of murder without the requisite mental state for murder and even without directly causing the death of the victim.
9. The Model Penal Code provides that a criminal ________constitutes murder when it is committed purposely, knowingly, or recklessly under circumstances which manifest an extreme indifference to the value of human life.
10. Just as the felony-murder rule permits a murder conviction when a death occurs during the course of certain felonies, so the“misdemeanor-manslaughter”rule permits a conviction for involuntary manslaughter when a death occurs accidentally during the commission of a ________or other unlawful act.