List 1
accord [ə’kɔːrd]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.v. agreeing (with sth/sb); (of a thing) agree or be in harmony with sth 一致
v. give or grant sth to sb 赠予
根 ac-:表方向 cord:心。 “心里想的(相同) ”→“一致” 。 “心里想着(别人) ”→“给予” 。 concord:一致[根]
类 和谐、一致、给予类概念
rate [reɪt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. standard of reckoning obtained by expressing the quantity or amount of one thing in
relation to another 比率
n. measure of value, charge or cost 价值
v. estimate the worth or value of 评级
根 rat:计算。 “计算”→“比较”→“比率” 。 “计算”→“价值”→“评级” 。ratio:比率[根]
类 比率、评估类范畴
global ['ɡloʊbl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. covering or affecting the whole world; world-w ide 全球性的
adj. covering the whole of a group of items 包括一切的
根 glob:球 -al:形容词后缀。 “球的”→“全球的”→“全部的” 。globe:球体
类 全球的
action [‘ækʃn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. process of doing sth; using energy or influence; thing done; act 行动,行为
n. events in a story or play 情节
n. effect that one substance has on another 作用
根 act=ag:做 -ion:名词后缀。 “做”→“行为” , “情节” 。 “做”→“作用” 。act:行动 [根]
类 行动类范畴
concern [kən'sɜːrn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.v. worry; anxiety; be busy with sth; interest oneself in sth 担心
根 con-:表加强 cern:感觉。 “感觉”→“担心”
类 关心、涉及、参与
network [‘netwɜːrk]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. loose open material made of string, thread, wire, etc knotted or woven together 网眼织物
n. network (esp of communications) 网络
根 net:网 work:东西。 “网” , “网络” 。Internet:互联网[根]
类 网和网络
gap [ɡæp]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. opening or break in sth or between two things 缺口
根 gap:裂口。 “裂口” , “缺口”
类 深坑、裂缝
individual [9ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. of, relating to, or distinctively associated with an individual 独有的
adj. existing as a distinct entity; separate 单独的
n. a single human being as contrasted with a social group or institution 个体
根 in-:加强 di-:离开 vid:分 -ual:形容词后缀。 “分离开的”→“个体的” , “单独的”→“独有的” 。 “个体的”→“个体” 。divide:划分[根]
类 单独的
significant [sɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. having or likely to have influence or effect; important 意义重大的
根 sign:标记 fic=fac(t):做 -ant:形容词后缀。 “做标记的”→“数量众多的” , “意义重大的” 。factory:工厂[根]
类 重要的
decline [dɪ'klaɪn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to slope downward; descend 斜坡向下
v. to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with 拒绝
n. the process of declining 削减
根 de-:向下 clin:斜坡。 “斜坡向下”→“变弱” , “变少” , “削减”→“拒绝” 。 incline:倾向 [根]
emission [i'mɪʃn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. ending out or giving off (of light, heat, fumes, matter, fluid from the body, etc) 散发
根 emis=emit:发出 -ion:名词后缀。 “发出”→“散发” , “发射”
类 发射、散射类概念
option [‘ɑːpʃn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. power or freedom of choosing; choice 选择
根 opt:选择 -ion:名词后缀。 “选择” , “选择权” 。optional:可选的[根]
类 选择或选择权
positive [‘pɑːzətɪv]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. with no possibility of doubt; clear and definite 明确的
adj. providing help; constructive 建设性的
adj. containing or producing the type of electrical charge produced by rubbing glass with silk正极的
根 pos:放置 -it(e):动词后缀 -ive:形容词后缀。 “放置好的”→“明确的”→“建设性的” 。
“放置好的”→“正的” , “正极的” 。impose:利用[根]
类 明确的
engage [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒ]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. arrange to employ sb; hire sb 聘用
根 en-:使 gag:保证。 “做出保证”→“聘用”
类 有抵押的承诺、约定类状态
p lastic [‘plæstɪk]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. any of several chemically produced substances that can be formed into shapes when heated or made into thin threads and used in textiles 塑料
adj. easily shaped or moulded 可塑的
根 plast:形状 -ic:形容词、名词后缀。 “可塑形的”→“塑料” , “可塑的”
类 塑造的、塑料的
scan [skæn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.v. act of scanning; pass an electronic beam over (sth) 扫描
v. look at every part of (sth) carefully; exam ine (sth) with great attention 审视v. pass across 浏览
根 scan:爬。 “向上爬”→“扫过”→“扫描” , “浏览” , “审视”
类 爬过、扫过
section ['sekʃn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. separate part of a document, book, etc 章节
n. any of the parts into which sth may be or has been divided 部分
n. department of an organization, institution 部门,科
n. process of cutting or separating sth surgically 截面,剖面
根 sect=seg:切→分 -ion:名词后缀。 “分开”→“截面” , “章节” , “部门” , “部分” 。insect:昆虫(一节一节的小动物)[根]
类 分割、切块类概念
subject ['sʌbdʒɪkt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. contingent on or under the influence of some later action 受…支配的
n. person or thing that is being discussed or described (in speech or writing), or represented主题
v. bring (a country, etc or a person) under one’s control 使顺从
根 sub-:向下 ject=jet:抛 → 投掷。 “向下投掷”→“压制”→“支配”→“受支配的” ,“使顺从” 。jet:喷气机[根]
类 从属地位的
alien ['eɪliən]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.adj. person who is not a naturalized citizen of the country in which he is living; foreign or unfamiliar 外国人(的)
adj. contrary to sth与之相反的
根 ali:其他 -en:名词、形容词后缀。 “其他的”→“外来的” , “外国人” 。 “其他的”→“与之相反的” 。alias:别名[根]
类 相异的、不同的
claim [kleɪm]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to ask for especially as a right 要求(权利)
n. a right to something 声称拥有的权利
v. to call for; require, take 要求,索要
v. to assert in the face of possible contradiction; maintain 断言
根 来自古法语clamer (呼喊) 。 “呼喊”→“要求”→“索要”→“剥夺生命” 。 “呼喊”→“声称”→“断言”
类 要求、索要
domestic [də'mestɪk]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. of the home, household or family 家庭的adj. of or inside a particular country, not foreign or international 本国的
根 domest=dom:房子 -ic:形容词后缀。 “房子相关的”→“家庭的” , “本国的” 。dome:圆屋顶[根]
类 家庭的、国家的
pressure ['preʃər]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. force or weight of sth pressing continuously on or against sth that it touches 压力
n. use force or strong persuasion (to make sb do sth) 压迫
根 press:压 -ure:名词后缀。 “压”→“压力” , “压迫” 。press:压 [根]
类 物理上或心理上的压力
range [reɪndʒ]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. connected line or row of mountains, hills (山)脉
n. limits between which sth varies; extent 范围
v. arrange (sb/sth) in a line or in ranks, or in a specified way 排列
根 rang=rank:行列。 “行列”→“排列”→“范围” 。 “行列”→“ (山)脉”
类 排列、延伸类概念
theory ['θɪri]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. set of reasoned ideas intended to explain facts or events 理论
n. ideas or suppositions in general 见解
根 the:看 or=hor:看 -y:名词后缀。 “看”→“看法” , “见解”→“理论”
类 理论学说类概念
liable ['laɪəbl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. responsible by law 有责任的
根 li=lig:绑 -able:形容词后缀。 “绑定的”→“有责任的” 。religion:宗教[根]
类 使受约束的
negative ['neɡətɪv]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. expressing denial or refusal 否定的
adj. lacking in definite, constructive or helpful qualities or characteristics 消极的
adj. less than zero; (of a number) that has to be subtracted from other numbers or from zero负的
adj. containing or producing the type of electric charge carried by electrons 阴性的
n. developed photographic film (摄影)底片
根 neg:否定 -at(e):动词后缀 -ive:形容词后缀。 “否定的” , “消极的”→“负的” , “阴性的” , “负数” , “摄影底片” 。deny:否认[根]
类 否认、反对、消极、批评类概念
revenue ['revənuː]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. income, esp the total annual income of the State from taxes, etc 收益
根 re-:向回 ven=vent:来。 “回来”→“收入”→“收益” 。adventure:冒险[根]
类 收入、收益类范畴
client ['klaɪənt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. person who receives help or advice from a professional person 委托人
n. customer in a shop 顾客
根 cli:服从 -ent:名词后缀。 “服从”→“委托人” (动作发出者) , “顾客” (动作接受者)
类 客户、顾客类概念
crisis ['kraɪsɪs]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. time of great difficulty or danger; decisive moment in illness, life, history, etc 危机
根 cris=crit:判断 → 决断 -is:名词后缀。 “决断”→“紧要关头” , “危机” 。criterion:标准[根]
类 关键时刻、转折时刻
flexible ['fleksəbl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. capable of being flexed; pliant 易弯曲的
adj. yielding to influence; tractable 易受影响的
adj. capable of being readily changed 灵活的
根 flex=flect:弯曲 -ible:形容词后缀, “能…的” 。 “能够弯曲的”→“易弯曲的”→“灵活的” 。 “易弯曲的”→“易受影响的” 。reflect:反映[根]
类 易弯曲的
influence ['ɪnfluəns]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.v. (have) power to produce an effect 影响
根 in-:向里 flu:流 -ence:名词后缀。 “流动”→“影响” 。fluent:流利的[根]
类 影响、感化类概念
notion ['noʊʃn]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. idea or belief; concept 观念
根 not:知道 -ion:名词后缀。 “知道”→“观念” 。denote:表示[根]
类 观念、概念、理解、认识类范畴
reveal [rɪ'viːl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. cause or allow (sth) to be seen; make (facts, etc) known 揭露
根 re-:向回 veal:面纱。 “使面纱收回”→“展示” , “揭露”
类 去掉遮罩类范畴
towards [tɔːrdz]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 prep. in the direction of (sb/sth) 朝向
根 to-:表加强 -ward:转向。 “转向”→“朝向” 。toward:向 [根]
类 朝向…方向的
budget ['bʌdʒɪt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose 预算
v. make a budget 把…编入预算
根 budg=bag:袋子 -et:名词后缀。 “袋子”→“钱袋”→“预算” 。bag:袋 [根]
类 财政预算和累积类概念
concert ['kɑːnsərt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers 音乐会
根 con-:共同 cert:确信。 “共同确信”→“和谐一致”→“音乐会” 。certain:确实的[根]
类 混合类概念
contrast ['kɑːntræst]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.v. difference clearly seen when unlike things are compared or put together; compare (two people or things) so that differences are made clear 对比
根 contra-:对立 st:站立 → 存在。 “对立”→“对比” 。stand:站立[根]
类 对比、对照类概念
credit ['kredɪt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. reliance on the truth or reality of something 信赖
根 cred:相信 -it:名词后缀。 “相信”→“信赖”→“表示信赖”→“表扬”
类 相信
detail ['diːteɪl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. small, particular fact or item 细节
v. list sth fully, item by item; describe sth fully 详述
根 de-:表加强 tail:切。 “切细”→“很小的部分”→“细节” , “详述” 。tailor:裁缝[根]
类 细节、详情类概念
executive [ɪg'zɛkjətɪv]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. concerned with the management and carrying out of plans, decisions, etc 执行的
n. person or group in a business organization, trade union, etc with adm inistrative or managerial powers 总经理
根 exec:完成→实施 -ut(e):动词后缀 -ive:名词、形容词后缀。 “实施的”→“执行的” ,“总经理” 。CEO (chief executive officer):首席执行官[根]
类 执行的
grant [ɡrænt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. agree to give or allow (what is asked for) 同意
n. thing given for a particular purpose, esp money from the government 授予物
根 gr:相信 -ant:名词、动词后缀。 “相信”→“同意” 。 “相信”→“授予物”
类 同意、给予、赠予
paragraph ['pærəɡræf]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. part of a piece of writing which starts on a new line and contains at least one sentence段落
根 para-:旁边 graph:写。 “写在附近的”→“段落”
类 写在旁边的东西
patent ['pætnt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. an official document conferring a right or privilege; letters patent 专利权(证书)
根 pat:公开 -ent:形容词后缀。 “公开的”→“授权公开的”→“专利”
类 公开、明显
resident ['rezɪdənt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. person who lives or has a home in a place, not a visitor 居民
n.adj. (person) staying overnight 定居的(人)
根 re-:表加强 sid=sed=sit:坐→住 -ent:形容词、名词后缀。 “久住的”→“居民” , “定居的” , “定居者” 。sit:坐 [根]
类 长期居住的人
suppress [sə'pres]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to put down by authority or force; subdue 镇压
v. to inhibit the grow th or development of 抑制
根 sup-:向下 press:压。 “向下压”→“镇压” 。 “向下压”→“抑制” 。pressure:压力[根]
类 镇压、压制
vital ['vaɪtl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. full of life and vigor; animated 充满活力的
adj. of the utmost importance 至关重要的
根 vit:生命 -al:形容词后缀。 “有生命的”→“充满活力的”→“至关重要的”
类 有生命力的
complicated ['kɑːmplɪkeɪtɪd]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. consisting of many closely connected parts 复杂的,难懂的
根 com-:表加强 plic:折叠 -ate:动词后缀 -ed:形容词后缀。 “折叠”→“缠在一起的”→“难懂的” 。imply:暗示[根]
类 复杂的
consequence ['kɑːnsəkwens]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. something produced by a cause or necessarily follow ing from a set of conditions 结果
n. importance with respect to power to produce an effect 重要性
根 con-:加强 sequ=sec:跟随 -ence:名词后缀。 “跟随发生的”→“结果”→“重要性” 。
类 跟随发生的、推论的结果
convey [kən'veɪ]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to bear from one place to another 运输
v. to impart or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture, or appearance 传递,交流
根 con-:表加强 vey=vi:路。 “在路上的”→“运输”[唯物]→“传递” , “交流”[唯心]。 obvious:明显的[根]
类 运输、传递
enhance [ɪn'hæns]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. heighten, increase 提高,增强
v. to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness 提高(价值、吸引力等)
根 en-:使 hanc:高。 “使提高”→“增强”[唯物]。 “使提高”→“提高(价值、吸引力) ”[唯心]
类 提高
enroll [ɪn'roʊl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. to officially arrange to join a school, university, or course, or to arrange for someone else to do this 登记,招收
根 en-:使 roll:一卷纸 → 文件材料。 “签订文件”→“登记” , “入学”
类 招收、登记
impose [ɪm'poʊz]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 v. place (a penalty, tax, etc) officially on sb/sth 强加
根 im-:向里 pos:放。 “向里放”→“负担” , “强加”→“利用” 。position:位置[根]
类 强加、征税类概念
inferior [ɪn'fɪriər]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n.adj. state of being inferior; low(er) in rank, social position, importance, quality, etc 下级(的)
根 infer:向下 -or:形容词、名词后缀。 “向下”→“下级的”
类 低等的、次等的
peer [pɪr]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. one that is of equal standing with another; equal 同等地位的人,同辈
v. to look narrow ly or curiously 凝视
根 peer=par:相等。 “相等”→“同等地位的人”→“同辈” 。peer=pir:看。 “看”→“凝视” 。 compare:比较[根]
类 看起来平视的,等同低位的人
p rejudice ['predʒudɪs]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient know ledge偏见
根 pre-:前 jud(g):判断 -ic:动词、名词后缀。 “之前的判断”→“偏见” 。judge:判断[根]
类 提前判断完成的
sensible ['sensəbl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 adj. of a kind to be felt or perceived 可感知的
adj. perceptible to the senses or to reason or understanding 明智的
根 sens:感觉 -ible:形容词后缀, “能…的” 。 “能感觉到的”→“可感知的”→“明智的” 。sensor:传感器[根]
类 可感知的
settlement ['setlmənt]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. settling or being settled 解决
根 settl=sed:坐 -ment:名词后缀。 “坐下”→“解决” 。settle:解决[根]
类 安定下来的相关概念
shortage ['ʃɔːrtɪdʒ]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. lack of sth needed; deficiency 缺少;不足
根 short:不足 -age:名词后缀。 “不足” , “缺少”short:短 [根]
类 短缺、不足
shuttle ['ʃʌtl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. aircraft, bus, etc that travels regularly between two places 航天飞机,机场巴士
v. move or travel backwards and forwards, or to and from 穿梭往返
根 shuttl:抛 → 运输。 “运输”→“穿梭往返”→“机场巴士” , “航天飞机”
类 来回穿梭
survival [sər'vaɪvl]考频:★★★★★ 记忆次数□□□□□□□□□□
释 n. state of continuing to live or exist; surviving 幸存
根 sur-:加强 viv:生命 -al:名词后缀。 “有生命”→“幸存” 。vitam in:维生素[根]
类 继续的、活着的范畴