Patient: Mrs. Xu,I am really concerned. Originally,I thought I would be healed once the tumor was surgically removed. I never thought that I would need chemotherapy which has many adverse effects. I am afraid I will not be able to persist in this treatment.
病人: 小许,我很害怕。本来以为肿块切除了,也就好了,没想到还要化疗。化疗有很多副作用,我怕我不能坚持治疗。
Nurse: Surgery is one of the major methods of oncotherapy,while chemotherapy is also a main treatment technology at the present time. It is absolutely necessary to carry out chemotherapy after the surgery to prevent and control the spread or infiltration of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is a treatment method of using chemicals to control the cancer cells. Compared to surgery,the side effects of chemotherapy should be overcome more easily. It is like climbing a mountain. You will encounter a great deal of difficulties on the way,but if you can bravely confront these difficulties,and persist in climbing,you can surely reach the top and view the beautiful scenery.Chemotherapy works the same way for cancer. Besides,we will help you during the whole process.
护士: 手术是肿瘤治疗的主要手段之一,化疗也是目前医治肿瘤的主要辅助治疗。术后为了预防及控制癌细胞的扩散或浸润,进行化疗是非常必要的。化疗也就是应用化学药物治疗的方法。比起手术来说,化疗带来的副作用应该更容易克服。好比爬山,虽然这一路会有很多困难,但只要勇敢面对,坚持一下,一定能到达顶点,看到美丽的风景。化疗也是一样。况且,我们会帮助您的。
Patient: What side effects will chemotherapy have?
病人: 那化疗到底有哪些副作用?
Nurse: Chemotherapy has many side effects including gastrointestinal tract reaction such as nausea,vomiting,and constipation; allergic responses; bone marrow depression as drop off white cell and platelet count; damage of liver function; and alopecia. But,not all side effects will occur and not all patients have the same side effects.
护士: 化疗有很多副作用,包括胃肠道反应,如恶心、呕吐、便秘;过敏反应;骨髓抑制,如白细胞、血小板下降;肝功能损害;脱发等。但不是所有副作用都会出现,也不是每个人都会有同样的副作用。
Patient: How to prevent these side effects?
病人: 那怎么来预防这些副作用?
Nurse: Before chemotherapy,we will run several examination for you,including blood test,CT,electrocardiogram,etc. to understand your body and your tumor conditions. We will select a most effective treatment plan with the least side effects for you. Your doctor will discuss the detailed plan with you. The doctor will carry out pre-treatment for you before the chemotherapy by using some drugs to prevent vomiting,allergic reactions,and to protect your liver function. In addition,reasonable foods and drinks,good mood and enough sleep are very important too. The majority of the patients receiving chemotherapy have only minimal side effects after pre-treatment. Therefore you don’t have to worry.
护士: 化疗前,我们会给您做全面的检查,如验血、拍摄CT、查心电图等。了解您的全身情况及肿瘤情况,选择效果较好、副作用相对较轻的方案。床位医生会详细跟您谈具体的内容的。医生会进行化疗前的预处理,也就是使用一些预防呕吐、过敏、保护肝功能的药物,最大程度地减轻药物的副作用。另外,合理的饮食、良好的情绪、充足的睡眠也是非常重要的。经过预处理,大部分病人出现的副作用是轻微的。所以,您不用害怕。
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Xia. How are you? It has been over a month since your gastrectomy. Now you will need regular treatment for a period of time. I mean,you will need intravenous chemotherapy for about three to six months. During this period,you will often need intravenous transfusion to complete the chemotherapy. The chemotherapy drugs may hurt your peripheral blood vessels,so it is better for you to have a central vein indwelling catheter.
护士: 您好,夏女士,您胃切除术已一个月了,接下来需要一个阶段的常规治疗,也就是3~6个月的静脉化疗。在这期间,您通常需要通过静脉输液来完成化疗。考虑到化疗药物可能对周边血管造成损害,建议您留置中心静脉导管。
Patient: Catheter? No,I don’t want to do it. It is anther operation,isn’t it?
病人: 导管?不,我不想做,又要做手术?
Nurse: Oh,no,Ms. Xia. It is just a catheter to be placed from the shallow vein to the deep vein. Don’t worry,it is not an operation.
护士: 哦,不是的,夏女士。中心静脉导管是通过浅静脉置入深静脉的导管。您不用担心,不需要做手术的。
Patient: I’m nervous. The needle will stay in my body for a long time,right?
病人: 我有点紧张,那是要把针留在体内好长时间吧?
Nurse: The catheter,made from a special material,is very thin and soft. We will choose a bigger peripheral vein above your brachial area,insert a catheter and push it to the central vein. The tip of the catheter will reach the superior vena cava which is short and thick and has larger volume of blood which will allow the high concentration drugs be quickly sent to all parts of your body. Because the drugs can be effectively diluted in the central vein,the irritation of these drugs to your body vessels will be greatly reduced. Meanwhile,you can also avoid the pain from being punctured every day. Furthermore,you won’t even feel the catheter in your vein.
护士: 导管是由一种特殊材料制成的,非常纤细柔软。我们会选择肘部较粗的静脉,通过穿刺送入中心静脉导管。导管的前端可至上腔静脉,上腔静脉短而粗,血流量大,高浓度药液进入后可迅速输送至全身,从而有效地稀释了局部的药液浓度,减少了药物对血管的损害,同时,可以避免每天输液均需静脉穿刺的疼痛。导管漂浮在血管内是没有感觉的。
Patient: Oh. But is it painful when puncturing the vein? I am afraid of pain.
病人: 噢,那么穿刺的时候痛吗?我特别怕痛。
Nurse: Don’t be afraid,it won’t hurt much. Have you ever had your blood drawn?
护士: 不用害怕,只有一点点疼痛。您抽过血吗?
Patient: Sure.
病人: 抽过。
Nurse: Was it painful?
护士: 那痛吗?
Patient: Just a little.
病人: 还可以。
Nurse:(assessing the patient’s blood vessel again)The condition of your blood vessel is very good. We are going to puncture your vein and place a catheter through a needle which is slightly thicker than an ordinary needle. The process takes about three to fve minutes. The length of the catheter is strictly regulated and the position of the catheter will be confrmed later by X-ray.
Patient: It’s a lot of trouble to have an indwelling catheter in my vein. How long will it be kept there?
病人: 留置导管后很麻烦的,要放多长时间?
Nurse: Currently,the catheter will be kept there for about one year. But the exact length of the time will depend on the need of the treatment and the condition of the catheter.In order to prevent infection,we will change the dressing and the adhesive flm,and strictly follow the procedure guidance.
护士: 目前使用的导管留置时间是一年,但具体时间还要根据治疗的需要以及导管的使用状况决定。为了预防感染,平时我们会严格按照操作规程进行换药、更换贴膜等导管的维护。
Patient: Thank you. You’ve told me a lot about this procedure. I have a general understanding about the central vein catheter now. Let me think about it.
病人: 谢谢,你讲得非常详细。我对留置中心静脉导管已经有了一个大概的了解,让我考虑一下。
Nurse: OK. Now I’ll introduce you to a patient who has had this kind of catheter. You can discuss this procedure with him,OK?
护士: 好的,现在我介绍一位已经留置了这种导管的病友给您认识。您还可以与他探讨一些关于这方面的问题。
Patient: OK,thank you. You are so thoughtful.
病人: 好的,谢谢,你想得真周到。