
Timothy Corrigan, Principal Timothy Corrigan, Inc蒂莫西·科里根 首席设计师蒂莫西·科里根公司
Even after its birth about 250 years ago, the Neo-classical style is still considered the epitome of refined elegance, beauty and grace in architecture and the decorative arts. The Neo-classical style with its clean lines and rigid symmetry was first developed in France in the mid-18th century and was quickly adopted throughout Europe. A direct result of the Enlightenment movement, the tastemakers of the period had become tired of the perceived excess of the previous century that was typified by the Rococo style, turned for inspiration to classical art and a desire to move away from overtly grand public spaces to create rooms that are more intimate and of human scale. The Neo-classical style, based on straight lines and rectilinear forms, used a selection of classical ornaments that were first applied to French architecture and decorative arts during the 1760s.My home in France's famed Loire Valley, the Chateau du Grand-Luce, has been called “one of the most precious elements of architecture of the French Enlightenment”. It is featured here in this book, as well as a book that I wrote entitled: “An Invitation to Chateau du Grand-Luce”. The chateau is a wonderful representation of how the principles of Neo-classical architecture continue to define elegant living on a human scale. What one finds at my chateau is how a structure as potentially imposing as Neo-classican chateau in the French countryside can be turned into a warm inviting place for the way that people actually live today. The guiding principles of Neo-classical architecture (symmetry, clean lines, human-scaled rooms) can be applied equally well to recreations of the past and even to the most contemporary forms of architecture.