7.3 Pipeline Laying
7.3.1 Before connecting the new underground pipeline to the existing pipeline,the connection point of the existing pipeline shall be confirmed first,and the operating conditions of existing pipeline shall be found out.Safety measures shall be taken for the connection.
7.3.2 When underground pipeline running though railroad or road,the running though section should be laid first with safety measures,timely backfill and restoration.
7.3.3 The foundation for pipeline laying in trench shall be constructed as engineering requirements,and the relative position of foundation platform shall be recorded.
7.3.4 The pipe sleeper and pipe rack of above ground pipelines shall have their size,structure,quantity,position and elevation checked and rechecked.
7.3.5 As-built survey shall be timely done after pipeline laying,and as-built document shall be compiled.
7.3.6 The laying and installation of different types of pipelines shall comply with the specifications in the current applicable and relevant standards.