About the Author
Charit Mishra works as a consultant and pentester at Protiviti, one of the top global consulting firms. He enjoys his job, which involves helping clients identify security vulnerabilities, more than anything. With real hands-on experience in security, he has obtained leading industry certifications such as OSCP, CEH, CompTIA Security+, and CCNA R&S. He also holds a master's degree in computer science. He has delivered professional talks at various institutions and private organizations on information security and penetration testing. You can reach him at LinkedIn at https://ae.linkedin.com/in/charitmishra, and on Twitter at @charit0819
First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents and my lovely sister, Ayushi, for their full support, expert guidance, understanding, and encouragement throughout my journey of making this possible. Without their incredible wisdom and counsel, this would have been an overwhelming pursuit.
I would like to also thank my good friend and mentor Mr. Piyush Verma for believing in me and guiding me whenever I needed direction. I am also thankful to all my friends and well wishers, especially Mr. Siddarth Pandey, Mr. Arham Husain, Mr. Bharath Methari, Mr. Dileep Mishra, and a great friend from Pakistan, Mr. Haider Ali Chughtai, who all helped me in every possible aspects and always motivated me to achieve the best. My apologies if I've missed anyone out.
Last but not least, I am grateful to the amazing team at Packt Publishing for their constant and incredible support for making this happen, and thanks to all the reviewers who helped bring this book into the best shape possible.
As the great influential Swami Vivekananda said, "In a day, when you don't come across any problems, you can be sure that you are traveling on the wrong path".