The Immune System:A Very Short Introduction,First Edition by Paul Klenerman
Copyright©Paul Klenerman, 2017
The Immune System:A Very Short Introduction, First Edition was originally published in
English in 2017.This licensed edition is published by arrangement with Oxford University
Press. Yilin Press, Ltd is solely responsible for this bilingual edition from the original work
and Oxford University Press shall have no liability for any errors,omissions or inaccuracies
or ambiguities in such bilingual edition or for any losses caused by reliance thereon.
Chinese and English edition copyright©2021 by Yilin Press,Ltd
All rights reserved.
著作权合同登记号 图字:10-2020-86号
书 名 免疫系统
作 者 (英)保罗·克莱纳曼(Paul Klenerman)
译 者 孙则书
责任编辑 陈锐
出版发行 译林出版社
ISBN 9787544786256