更新时间:2019-01-10 16:59:33
Editorial Board
第一章 “亚洲校园”计划及其质量保障
第二章 “亚洲校园”计划跨境质量监测结果及分析
第三章 “亚洲校园”计划质量提升建议
第四章 “亚洲校园”跨境教育合作学术项目质量监控指导方针
附录一 中日韩有质量保障的大学交流与合作指导方针
附录二 “中日韩大学交流合作促进委员会”第四次会议三方共识
附录三 “中日韩大学交流合作促进委员会”第五次会议三方共识
附录四 “中日韩大学交流合作促进委员会”第六次会议三方共识
附录五 “亚洲校”园试点项目学生交流情况统计
Chapter I “CAMPUS Asia”Initiative and Quality Assurance
Chapter II Cross - border Quality Monitoring Result and Analysis of“CAMPUS Asia”Initiative
Chapter III Suggestions on Quality Improvement of“CAMPUS Asia”Initiative
Chapter IV Guidelines on Quality Monitoring of“CAMPUS Asia”
Transnational Joint Education Academic Programs
Appendix ⅠGuidelines for Exchange and Cooperation among Universities in China Japan and South Korea with Quality Assurance
Appendix Ⅱ Agreement of the 4thMeeting of“the China-Japan-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities”
Appendix Ⅲ Agreement of the 5thMeeting of“the China-Japan-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities”
Appendix Ⅳ Agreement of the 6thMeeting of“the Korea-China-Japan Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities”
Appendix Ⅴ Statistics on Student Exchange in Pilot Programs on “CAMPUS Asia”