更新时间:2021-07-23 20:03:39
iOS Game Programming Cookbook
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Chapter 1. iOS Game Development
Getting started with the SpriteKit game framework
Developing a mini game using SpriteKit
Chapter 2. SpriteKit
Learning the basics of SpriteKit – The FlyingSpaceship tutorial
Understanding scenes nodes and sprites
Anatomy of game projects
Applying actions on sprites
Adding infinite scrolling
Moving characters
Chapter 3. Animations and Texture
Animating your textures
Creating a texture atlas
Adding animations using a texture atlas
Collision detection
Parallax background
Chapter 4. Particle System and Game Performance
Installation of the particle system
Using the particle system in games
Particle emitter integration
Game performance analysis
Chapter 5. Adding Music to iOS Games and an Introduction to iCloud
Adding music to games
Adding background and sound effects
Introduction to iCloud
Integration of iCloud with iOS games
Chapter 6. Physics Simulation
Introduction to physics simulation
Integrating physics engine with games
Adding real-world simulation
Chapter 7. Adding Reality to Games
Creating physics bodies in the world
Physics joints
Detecting contact and collisions
Chapter 8. Introduction to Game Math and Physics
The Pythagorean theorem
Using vectors
Chapter 9. Autonomous Moving Agents
Introduction to steering behaviors
Implementing the seek
Implementing flee
Implementing arrive
Implementing evade
Implementing wander
Implementing wall avoidance
Obstacle avoidance
Chapter 10. 3D Game Programming with OpenGL
Introducing OpenGL
Building a mini 3D animation game using OpenGL
Chapter 11. Getting Started with Multiplayer Games
Anatomy of multiplayer games
Setup for a multiplayer game
Assigning roles to players
Chapter 12. Implementing Multiplayer Games
Creating our TankRace environment
Movement of players
Implementing game play